the basement

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Den's P.O.V

I sighed as I climbed out the window and carefully jumped using feather drop to avoid injuring myself, I made my way to the cellar door and found snow she had a small frown as she was looking down to the open cellar, when she heard me walking up she looked to me, "What happened? Harrison looks really upset." She sounded saddened by that, "We just had an argument...." I said I was about to walk past her when she grabbed my wrist, "Den... Please, I want to help but if you don't tell me what's wrong I can't do anything." She pushed gently and I sighed caving, "My brother got in with a few bad people a while back and things have been hard they started to get better when you showed up...but he's still upset about all of it," I said, "Then why don't the three of us talk about it? I know it's not my place but maybe if I have both sides of the story I could help." She offered and I shook my head no, "I wouldn't mind, but I doubt Harrison would want to talk about it... he hasn't since we got him away from the blood spirals." I said and she nodded "I could talk to him... or maybe that would make it worse," She mumbled and headed down to the basement, I had to hope that she didn't upset him more.

I walked down the stairs following her, my brother was looking around and didn't even acknowledge me but he nodded at Snow, she was quick to walk over and start talking to her and I headed to the other side of the basement to find anything of use, I didn't hear anything of there conversation and honestly I wasn't sure if I wanted to.

Harrison's P.O.V

I nodded at Snow as she and my brother came down, Snow was quick to come over to me as den walked off, "Are you alright?" She asked gently, "I'm fine," I said curtly and heard her huff, "You're lying and it's obvious." She sighed and grabbed me forcing me to look at her as she spun me around to face her and grabbed my cheeks, "Harrison... you know you can talk to me, I understand why you might hesitate but I am your friend I won't judge you for your past as it isn't who you are now." She said and all I could do was stare at her shocked and startled, She let go of my face and kept talking, "I know I am new to the team and don't know me well, you might not trust me yet as I don't think I've done anything to earn it but I want to help as much as I can," She said her eyes twinkled as she spoke and I wasn't sure why but I felt compelled to say something, "Snow....I trust you. I...I just don't like talking about what happened," I said softly and she looked over to me and gave me a little smile, "That's alright, but if it helps I'm always here if you ever need someone to talk to." She said, and I smiled with everyone but Zhalia I had felt pushed away due to my actions and part of me felt that Snow might too, but at least for now I knew that she didn't care, Suddenly we heard Den yelp and we both shared a look before racing off to find him.. but despite when we turned the corner there was no sign of him, "Den? Den?!" I called out a bit panicked I took about eight steps ahead and felt the floor drop out from under me, "Harrison!" I heard snow shout but I found myself going down a slide and finding spider webs in my face before landing on something gooey,

I scrambled off of it, and sniffed at it but was thankful that it didn't have a scent although I did have to fight the impulse to lick it, "Bolt flare." I called out as the glowing orb floated around cold stone walls surrounded me and as I had the light float over where I landed a vat of green goo was all that was there, I turned and headed down a corridor, "Den!? Snow?! Anyone?!" I called out as I walked down the corridor as I walked I gave up calling out to my team and looked around at the carving on the wall I recognized some sort of monster likely a titan and a seeker sealing it away it looked quite strange to me, "Shit," I mumbled and started running through the maze and only stopped when I slammed face-first into a uniformed kid he looked terrified as he quickly got to his feet, "Run!" He yelled and bolted past me I was still dazed and when I looked up I saw the massive face of a rat looking down at me. "over shield" I called out as it lunged at me.

Snow's P.O.V

"Harrison!" I yelled as a secret door opened under neither him and he fell, "Oh...Oh, god what do I do?!" I said to myself as I started pacing back and forth trying not to panic, "I can't just go down can I?" I asked myself, "It's not right to leave them there on there own, is it? I don't think I could live with myself," I said and carefully sitting down and slow;y crawling across the floor trying to not let the floor fall out from under me at least not without warning, but sadly I didn't get the warning as I found myself falling down a slide headfirst and I couldn't help but scream as I turned in to  a human rocket thankfully I landed in hay and altho it was sharp It had stopped me from taking any real damage, "Okay.... I am never doing that again." I said as I claimed out of the hay plucking strands of it from my hair as I did, looking around I found myself in complete darkness and sighed, and dug throw my bag looking for the flashlight I put in there, I pressed the button and the small room was light up by a small beam the wall was covered in a strange but familiar weighting and I found myself running my hand over it trying to figure out why it was familiar an image of a beautifully crafted and painted porcelain box with the same strange lettering on it flashed through my mind, that box had been where mother had pulled my ring from it, my hand went to the ring that hung on a leather cord around my neck and again I couldn't help but wonder Why? Why was the writing the same? Why did I have to be the one to make it out of the fire, and Why the hell did I let myself come down into such a dangerous place? Den and Harrison are more than capable of handling themselves but me? I had two titans that I could call two! And I couldn't use half the spells I knew of, I felt like an idiot as IO started down the twisting halls scolding myself what was I thinking? "Isn't that always the question?" Asked a faint feminine voice and I snapped my head and light around to try and find the source of the voice.

Titan tales: bound

Ages ago we once roamed as free as the birds but times changed when the sky turned gray and it rained fire, the humans blamed us for the fall of there villages the did not understand that we could not guard against the firey rain and thus our imprisonment started, humans who had found magic cast us into stones and they began to see us as tools weapons to be used against one another, some of us, while inflicted with the human's curse, could still roam free as long as we were smart and held the binding stone close to us as long as we did not fall we would not be banished forevermore onto these stones, and these I roamed for ages as a being wild and untamed one of the few of my kind still free from our torment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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