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Den's p.o.v
Once we got back we had several weeks were we did nothing and didn't have any missions for roughly 3 weeks snow trained seemingly none stop she seemed to be getting frustrated as she still couldn't use a lot of powers but the ones she can do she's gotten skilled with and to add to that even with harrison and I using powers she can floor us mostly with whatever random thing that was left out back. I already knew she was clever and good at getting out of trouble but as I was laying face first on the ground in a mud puddle....did I mention that it rained last night? And that zhalia has been using snow's frustration to keep us sharp though I was debating how much this was helping snow and how much was zhalia keeping snow from killing something. "You're getting quite strong." chirped cherit as I found a hand in front of me and I took it seeing snow she looked disappointed. "physical... I still can barely use powers....... Wait your really old right? Have you ever met a seeker like me?" Snow asked it was a good question that nobody had thought to ask yet. "I'm afraid least not that I remember... when you're as old as I am things blur together." he said giving her an apologetic look and she just sighed suddenly the back door caught our attention and we all turned to look Harrison had walked out with Sophie and some drinks. "you boys and snow, of course, have a mission of your own." Sophie said she sounded like she didn't like the idea of leaving us on our own. "what about you guys? I mean aren't we a team?" Snow asked with a slight tilt of her head a very dog-like movement. "we are but we sometimes have important missions that Dante doesn't trust others to do and sometimes the other seekers are just busy." cherit explained "yeah and Dante is sending the others on their own mission " he said and cherit flew inside. "what's our mission?" snow asked and he smiled "well we'll be acting like prep school kids. So we can get into the school and find out what's happened to the kids there will be getting help from one of the teachers." He said "you three are the only seekers your age in the foundation that Dante believes has enough training to do this alone." Sophie added.
Soon enough we were standing in blazers and snow was in a skirt...which was something I didn't think I'd ever see and even more surprising was that she seemed to be comfortable in it. A woman walked up and greeted us. "you three must be the foundation agents." she said she wore a suite and seemed a bit overdressed for a teacher. "yes ma'am." snow said picking up that British accent again I hadn't noticed she lost it until she used it again and it was cute mixed with the dark blue blazer and mini skirt. "let me show you to the dorms. You won't be able to leave through the door of the front door after 8" she said we spent the next week blending in and trying to figure out where the titan was it didn't seem like there was any problem but then Harrison got into it was one of the boys who called him chicken for not doing something, snow and I had to step in and stop harrison from throwing any punches. "I have an idea why don't you go to the basement!" snapped the preppy boy. "Why?" snow asked with that sweet British accent the boys cheeks turned pink "you should stay away from their snow there's someone down there taking everyone who goes in," he said softly. I suddenly wondered what he'd said to light Harrison up seeing as he seemed flustered by snow. "then why do you want one of my boys to go down there ?" she asked with a tilt of a head and a voice filled with venom he looked at his feet and avoided her eyes as she glared daggers at him. I found the 'my boys' comment kind of amusing but I couldn't help but wonder why she used that phrasing "i..errrr welll" he stuttered and backed up and suddenly bolted. Once we were alone again snow spoke up this time in a much kinder tone "guess we know where we are going." she said than turned to Harrison "try to stay out of trouble." she said giving him a small smile before heading back to her room. Once she was out of earshot I looked to him "What was that? Since when do you start fights?" I asked sharply, he gave me a look like a kicked puppy "Since I became a blood spiral." he said clearly hurt by my question, he turned and headed back to our dorm and I was left alone frowning, I sighed and ran a hand through my hair I had thought things had been getting better between us but I guess I had been wrong, maybe we needed to actually talk about it but I didn't think that was going to happen anytime soon.

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