1: That Escalated Quickly

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A/N: If you are easily triggered by any of these listed below, this is probably not a suitable story for you, I apologize. Also, I'm including lisp :)



-Rich's alcoholic parents 

-Physical Abuse (No sexual abuse)

-Use of inappropriate language (cursing/homophobic language)


-Thoughts of suicide 

A/N: If you are okay with reading about these things, I hope you enjoy this story! The POV changes quickly in this chapter but it's not like that the whole time. 

This chapter is tagged "tw" (trigger warning) for: Homophobia, talks about character who commited suicide, physical abuse, inappropriate language. 

Jake's POV

I head yelling and things breaking inside the house. I teared up a bit at the thought of Rich's cries for help. I ran to the house but the door was locked. "Is that Jake?" a terrifying voice demanded. The voice was obviously coming from Rich's drunk mom, "Uh, no! I'm uh- JEREMY!"

"HE'S NOT WELCOME!" a harsh masculine voice echoed from upstairs. Rich's drunk father. "What the hell are you doing to Rich?" I cried. When I was younger and authors used the word 'cried' I could never understand if they meant 'yelled' or 'physical tears' so I would use context clues. But jokes on you! This time I was doing both. 

I heard a vase smash. "FUCK YOU!" Rich's voice strongly accused. At least he's kinda okay? I hopped the fence to the back yard but the back door was also locked. I took my phone and went into the Alexa app. "Call Rich's Alexa!" I said into the phone. Rich was smart, so he would probably figure it out. 

If I called his phone, his parents would see the little heart emoji next to my name in his contacts and murder him (possibly literally) so I used his Alexa. It's safer. 

Rich's POV

My dad, too drunk to hear Jake calling me from the Alexa, threw anything he could at me. "You know I have to tell you thomething," I told my dad, "and you better ANSWER," I tried as best I could to cover my lisp so I wouldn't be beaten any harder. 

Jake's POV

I clutched the phone close to my ear to heard what was happening, "What the hell do you want?" Rich's dad yelled. "What the hell did I do wrong to des-erve you?" everything was silent. I could feel the fear in Rich's eyes. "I- I would th-say that you're too drunk to COMPREHEND ANYTHING THAT'S GOING ON RIGHT NOW but thiths is just you!" 

This was Rich telling me I could talk. "I'm in the backyard, I was gonna surprise you by coming over but I then I realized what was going on and I'm stepping in," 

"You needy, pathetic, self-centered fa--ot!" his dad yelled. How did he find out? Ha, good thing I told them I was Jeremy. "I don't want you to get hurt!" Rich whisper yelled at me.

I didn't say anything. I'm still coming to get him. *another crash* "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Rich screamed. He never talked back to his parents like that. I got really nervous.

In the back yard I found a surfboard which  I could use to climb to the balcony of his parents' room. I set it up against a pillar and ran up the board grabbing for the fins that should hold my weight. (I hope) I climbed over the railing of the balcony and prayed the door was unlocked. I twisted the door handle and it creaked open slowly. 

Of course, Mr. Goranski keeps a bat by his bed. I grabbed it and walked down the hall near Rich's room. I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. I could hear Rich, sobbing through the door. I realized what the crash was that Rich freaked out about. His sister. When he was younger he walked into his sisters room to see her hanging from the ceiling fan. A suicide. She painted beautifully, though and she made Rich a tile to remember her. The tile was a simple beach with a starfish. It looked insanely realistic.

I couldn't be more terrified of what I was about to do. I swung the door open. He turned around the throw a vase at my shoulder which I quickly recovered from. I jumped on his back and wrestled him until I had him pinned, on the ground, laying on his stomach. I pressed my knee into his back and lifted his neck up in a chokehold with the bat. I looked at Rich on the floor with cuts and bruises, clutching the biggest piece of the broken tile that remained. He looked weak and mortified. "Hey," I greeted. 

His face, red from crying and from the terror of a grown man trying to kill him. He was still shaking, in the corner. The thought of Rich in pain got my adrenaline going, so I was able to press my knee into Mr. Goranski's back even harder causing him pain, not only in his back but I also pulled the bat back on his neck. This bent his back and suffocated him.

He clutched a piece of a tile that his sister painted for him. His sister commited suicide after her dad abused them both that Rich's older sister couldn't take it anymore. She painted the most beautiful things. I remember once for my birthday, she did a watercolor painting of the time Rich and I were 5 and she was 9 and we went to Disney World together.

His face was red from crying as he sat in the corner. I don't know if he sat there because he was in too much pain to move, if he was in shock, or if he just didn't want to get up. 'It's okay...' I mouthed to him. He nodded trying desperately to stop crying.

"You're gonna fucking leave him the hell alone or go to hell and burn there, I don't want to be the one who sends you there as much as you rightfully deserve it, but I will if you make me," I threatened in my most confident voice. It's like I could hear Rich's thoughts just by looking at his eyes; SEND HIM TO HELL, JAKE! 

"Let... GO!" his father demanded. "Nah, this is fun for me!" I tightened my grip so he had trouble breathing. Rich teared up again. I guess he's experiencing a sensory overload. His sister, his dad, his mom, me, himself, all different emotions coming at him.

"It's okay, I know what I'm doing," I assured. I waited for the clock to strike another minute and abruptly dropped the bat and he fell too. I didn't kill him, he's just knocked out. I paced over to Rich and bent down in front of him. "He's just passed out, I wouldn't kill somebody, by the way," 

He got really close to having a mental break down. "Do you want a hug or not to be touched? I can just sit here if you want or if you'd rather be alone... whatever you're okay with." he clung to my neck in a hug, "Thank you," I sat right next to him against the wall and let him rest his head on my shoulders. He hugged my and leaned on my shoulder, crying into my shirt. "I know, I know, it's okay. It's gonna be okay, I'm here,"

His dad came to, slowly, and I carried Rich bridal style out to the car. I put him in the front seat and I jogged around to get into the car with him in the driver's seat. I started the car and told myself not to say anything until he did. He seemed really deep in thought and teared up again silently. I kinda broke my promise to myself but I didn't care... this seemed right. "What's on your mind?" he looked like he didn't know where to start.

"I jutht- What now? Dad wath awful but he didn't die so what happenth when he waketh up? And my mom ith probably- I can't go back there and... the- the tile... and-" he stopped to breathe and calm himself down. "Why do you care about me, Jake?" Hold the fuck up.

I pulled over into a 7/11 because I wasn't about to talk to him while also focusing on driving. "I love you, I would never let anything happen to you! You're- the reason I'm alive, Rich, come here," I pulled him into a hug, we stayed like that for a solid 10 seconds. That's a SUPER long time for a HUG. 

"I would die without you, Rich, seriously, I don't know what I would do if you weren't here. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to, but if you wanna talk... we can talk. I'll always be here for you, okay?" he nodded gently "Okay," I gently kissed him to show affection but not to be too invading. I'm good at social skills. 

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