3: Don't You Forget Me...

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A/N: Hello! This chapter is tagged "tw" for suicide, self-harm, and inappropriate language. Enjoy chapter 3!

Jake's POV

I waited for maybe a text from Rich but I only got worried texts from Michael. 

"Jake, I'm here for you! Whatever it is!"

"What the hell is going on?

"Jake please answer!" 

"Are you and Rich ignoring me?" 

"I like puppies"

"Sorry Jeremy stole my phone"

"Please call backkkkkk!" 

He left at least 5 voicemails and called 8 times. I couldn't think about Michael right now. I couldn't stop thinking about Rich's light brown hair and green/blue eyes.

I got the courage to call him back, I took a deep breath and gathered myself. "H-ey Micha-e-l" my voice cracked. "Jake, what's going on?" I'm gonna start sobbing again if I tell him the story. "L-look I can't really talk about it now, but I- I-" I hesitated to hold back tears. 

"Jake," he sympathetically said. "I'm here for you, whatever you need, and you don't have to tell me anything because I know that sometimes there's not a good place and time to say some things," he's the second best. Sorry, Michael first wa- is Rich.

"Thanks. Can I call you tomorrow? I'll tell you everything, just not right now..." 

"Of course," he must have been in major suspense for 24 hours and really scared. He's really good at being the friend you can talk to when you need to but they won't make you talk when you don't want to. He's awesome.

I went back into the waiting room after I got myself together and stopped hysterically crying. Five minutes later this happened: "Jake?" ohmygodohmygodohmygodstaycool. "Yes?" It was a nurse. She had light brown hair and green/blue eyes. 

"Who are you in relation to..." she checked her list, "Richard Goranski?"

"I'm his best friend," If anyone who worked in this hospital turned out to be homophobic, they might kill him, so I didn't tell her he was my boyfriend. "Is he gonna be okay?" tears sat on the verge of my eyes. 

"I- We don't think he's gonna make it... I'm sorry..." I nodded and tried to merely imagine my life without him. "But- there's s-still a... chance, right?" I tried. "There's a small chance, but yes, that chance is still very much there." she admitted. I hope that small chance pays off. 

I'm sorry, Rich. 

"If you would like, you can come first thing tomorrow morning, we open at 6:00am or you can give us an email or phone number and we can update you tomorrow?" she suggested kindly. "Uh, sure. Can I leave my number in case anything happens tonight and I'll be here tomorrow at 6:00?" she lead me over to a sign-in sheet and I signed up to get messages about Rich. 

I began to head home. I felt like I was about to pass out. I felt dizzy as I walked and could barely keep my eyes open. When I got in the car I just sat and hugged in my knees. I remember this one time in the car Rich and I went 26 mph in a 25 and Jeremy screamed at us to slow down. I love that memory. 

I made the bold decision to drive even though I probably would end up crying while the car is still moving. When I got home I made myself go into the guest bedroom where Rich slept because he obviously didn't want to go back home. I liked having him live here. We were like a real couple instead of some "high school sweetheart" bullshit.

I walked upstairs. I looked to my left to see the bedroom down the hall. All I ever needed in life was to see him happy. I picked up a sweater from his bed. He wore that sweater to my house when I took him from his drunk parents. 

I texted the hospital because I couldn't resist. 

"Hello, this is Jake Dillinger, my best friend is Richard Goranski. I just wanted to check how he's doing?" I texted. "Hi, Jake. This is Rich's nurse! My name's Cait." she responded within 5 minutes. It wasn't an iPhone that texted, it must have been sent from a computer at the hospital or something.  

Jake: Hi Cait! How's Rich's doing?

Cait: He's hanging in there...

Jake: What

Cait: We don't know if he took enough pills to kill himself but if he did, he may not make it. 

Jake: Is he awake?

Cait: He's still unconcious but not in a coma.

Jake: That's... better than being in a coma, I guess.

Cait: It's 9:00 pm which means I have to take his blood pressure and heart rate and things like that. I'll get back to you soon!

Jake: Thank you so much!

I waited around in panic for Cait's text. My breathing was unsteady, I was shaking, and I could barely feel my legs. I went to drink some water and lay down after 10 minutes of panic attack or whatever the hell that awfulness was. Before I could lay down for 30 seconds Cait sent another text:

Cait: Hi

Jake: How'd it go??

Cait: I'm sorry...

Jake: He's in a better place now I guess... 

I trembled and went into a full on panic attack. I clutched a pillow and screamed into it. I sobbed and threw my phone across the room. I have a good case, plus, what does it matter if it breaks? 

I read through Rich's suicide letter again. 

"Don't you forget me," I remember George Salazar singing at the end of the song. And the chorus!

And although, I'll be out of sight, dear, know I'll be right here, for ever, ever, ever, ever, and when you look to the night skies, don't think of goodbyes. Think how I'm right here forever, ever, ever, ever. If I could say one last thing to Rich right now, I'd say I love you.

I'm never gonna forget you Rich... He's gone. Forever? It's- I'M DREAMING! Well, no... this is a nightmare... But, Yeah! I'll wake up with Rich by my side! And I'll hug him and kiss him and I'd tell him how much I love him! 

I tried to wake myself up... Until I realized; I'm not dreaming. This is just real life. I ran to the bathroom at stared at myself in the mirror, "Razor." I demanded myself. One part of me fought to stay still and the other part of me fought to stab the razor into my arm 18 times covering the previous cuts from last year and years before that. 

Guess which side won.

It wasn't until I only sobbed lightly that I realized my phone rang like mad. 

"What the fuck?" I walked from the bathroom to where I threw my phone to check who the hell called me so many times.


(This story is just getting started *wink, wink*)

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