8: Pride. Abuse. Angst. Fear. (Fear)

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A/N: So in the last chapter, Rich got shot in the shoulder by his dad but this will have a major time skip until he's out of the hospital and healed and shit cuz I'm not a good writer and I've had this idea for so long because this happened to me one night and I decided "I should dramatify this simple thing that scared me for no damn reason and add it to my fanfic while incorporating a mental breakdown, Rich's drunk dad, and floof!" Enjoy!

Trigger warning for: suicidal thoughts, guns, floof, you will cry tears of gay, I'm gonna stop saying foul language because that's in all of these stories so sorry! (If there's foul language such as homophobic terms, I will say so but there will be foul language F-ck, sh-t, h-ll, and stuff like that) So, if you're offended by that... bro it's chapter 8 how did you get through this thing so far if u don't like foul language?

Jake's POV

I woke up to the soft sound of... crying? I never woke up immediately after the first second I opened my eyes for anything, ever but, I guess there's a first time for everything. I saw, faintly, Rich hugging his knees, softly sobbing to himself, and I bolted upright. That may have been a bad idea. 

He gasped and sobbed a bit louder. "Rich? What's wrong?" my voice, shaky and nervous. I heard a noise and he tensed up. I analyzed the echo to try to figure out where it came from. Another shot and Rich tensed again held my hand tightly. "Hey, it's okay..." I comforted. 

I realized the sound was fireworks. I then suggested: "Don't worry, I think it's just fireworks, do you wanna go on the balcony and see?" but he shook his head to say no.

"Here, I'll go outside to take a picture so you can see, it's fireworks." I walked to the door. "Stay," he cried, "Hey..." I comfortingly said, still confused. I hurried back to him to hold his hand again. "I'm here," I let him bury his face in my chest.

Rich's POV

It sounded too real to me. It sounded too much like gunshots, I know what gunshots sound like. Take it from me. I've seen fireworks before and that's not it. I hope I'm wrong.

Actually, who cares? It'll be fine. Follow Jake to the balcony and you'll see what it is. I'm gonna count to 3... 1. 2. Fuck it. "Actually, yeah, let's go see what it is," It doesn't even matter if its fireworks or gunshots, I hope it's gunshots. 

As long as Jake's not hurt maybe I have another chance to die. 

"Okay, it's gonna be okay, I'm right here," he took my hand and we went outside. What the fuck am I saying? How could I want to die when Jake is just so... Jake, I guess. Oh my god.

One glance and my depression melts. 

Fuck, am I sobbing? ...Whoops, I didn't realize that. "Rich, what's wrong? Are you okay? Well- actually that's a stupid question but do you want to- um, talk? Do you- Are- What's wrong? Rich? Babe, Rich what's going on?" he stammered, confused and concerned. 

"I just- zoned out and too much thinking I- *sniffle* Sorry..." 

"Sorry? Don't be sorry, I just wanna know what happened? Unless you don't wanna talk about it, either way." he tried to help. Shit, so do I tell him or- is that even a question? 

"No, I'm okay," I lie. "You want a hug don't you," he smiles at me. I must have the I-need-a-hug look in my eyes that Jake is a master at pointing out. "Yeah..." I gathered myself and stopped sobbing. That's good.

I couldn't think about ever wanting to kill myself as long as I'm in Jake's arms. "You wanna go to the balcony?" he asks finally, not pulling away fully from the hug. "Sure,"

My depression is weird: On some days, I'll want to murder myself out of existence... and on other days I find myself happy in Jake's hug. I guess Jake's like my suicide shield. He just helps me forget all the horrible stuff. He makes me feel like I belong, and we belong together. 

He held my hand and lead me out of the bedroom, to the other side of the house, to the balcony. Something exploded in the sky. I flinched for a second before I saw the arrangement of color. I still refuse to call them fireworks. "I love you," he said looking into the night sky at the colorful explosions of light.

"I love you, too," I told him. Another thing I won't call a firework exploded which made my shoulder feel a sharp pain. I guess Jake saw me flinch or something; "Let's not link this sound with bad memories. Let's remember this sound along with something good," he compromises. "Like what?"

"Like this." he kissed me on the lips. Nothing mattered except him and us at this moment. I forgot how to kiss (which I quickly re-learned after 2 seconds of Jake's lips against mine), I forgot what we were even doing outside, I forgot everything I ever learned in school (besides the fact that... the mitochondria is... is... holy shit I don't even know anymore. All that matters is Jake and us and we're here. 

He pulls away for air for a second until I pull him back in. "Breathing is for the weak," I whisper and kiss him again. I hear the faint sound of those things in the background. "I guess I'm weak then," Jake laughs a little bit. 

Fireworks. Those things are fireworks.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Cue the tears of gay! I hope someone caught my Heathers reference at the beginning/middle-ish! Y'all thought I was gone for the week? Hell no. Turns out I don't need to sleep because sleep is for the weak and I actually aced my math test and did pretty well on my English test! My world civ teacher is giving lots of textbook pages to read so that sucks but I wanna get a good grade next week so I have to read them... Fuck... I have a Spanish test tomorrow and Spanish is 1st period so I can't be late. Fuck, I should sleep because if I decide I wanna sleep in, I sleep in. Goodnight, everybody! I'll write soon!

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