6: Pride. Abuse. Angst. Fear. (Abuse)

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A/N: Tw for Abuse, self-harm, panic attack, and inappropriate language.

Rich's POV

Usually, I'm good at hiding my panic attacks. I can typically find ways of holding in my sobs and stop shaking. I don't know how. I guess I've just had practice. Whenever I'm about to cry or something, sometimes... I still feel the shocks the SQUIP used to give me. 

He didn't understand. We just got into an argument about the fight he had and the car was pretty silent.

Jake's POV

As we drove home, I got a text. "Rich, can you see who that's from?" I asked so that I wouldn't text in drive (don't die kids.) "I don't know, are you gonna take me into a back alley and fight me if I don't? ... The contact is Hospital (Rich)." he read the contact. "The hospital? Oh! It's probably like a bill or something! Right?" I asked foreshadowing that I wanted him to check. 

"Oh my god!" he gasped and dropped the phone, "No no no no no no..." he began breathing heavily and shaking. "Rich? Rich, are you okay?" I instantly pulled into the closest gas station, which was a sketchy 7/11.

Rich's POV

I said Usually...

Jake's POV

I quickly parked and unbuckled my seat belt. I reached for the phone that he dropped out of shock, I read over the text the hospital had sent. 

Cait: "Hello, Jake! This is the hospital your friend Richard Goranski recently left. His father, John Goranski, had been admitted to the hospital by Richard's mother. Luckily, Mr. Goranski is doing well and will be able to go home shortly! He is awake and is very excited to be able to see his son! Visiting hours are currently over but he will be allowed home hopefully, by tomorrow morning. If not then, definitely by the afternoon!"

Rich experienced a panic attack, the first one I've seen. I don't want to see him suffering! I thought about the argument Rich and I just had and realized I'm such a bad boyfriend. With all the "It's fine" and "Don't worry" and "It wasn't my fault"... God, I'm such a loser. 

"It's gonna be okay, I'm here, I won't let him hurt you, ever." I stated and put my hand near his, I let him decide whether he wanted to hold hands or not. 

He took my hand and instantly started sobbing into my chest. "I'm here, I'm here," I softly comforted. "I'm sorry for yelling, forget that, I love you and I'm here, I'll always be here," 

We stayed in a crying hug for a solid minute. "I'm- I'm sorry about freaking out, Jakey." he quietly apologized. "It's okay, I just- what- h- and my shoulder- and- I..." I stammered. "You want to know why I got upset but you're trying not to sound mean?" he predicted. "Yeah... If you're alright with talking about it," 

"My... sister," he started. My heart immediately dropped. "The first time I ever saw her... getting abused by my father, uh, my dad threw a bottle at her shoulder. I got scared and froze up- my dad saw me and threw another one at my chest. I dodged it but I just- seeing you get hurt I didn't know if I should step in or if- I'm sorry, I should have done something!"

"No! You didn't have to do anything! Didn't you hear me scream 'No u' and then attack him? I didn't want you to get hurt in the middle of that," I calmed him down. "Okay, I love you, Jakey" 

"No u!" 

"Godammit, Jake!" We laughed a little bit, "Thanks for being you! I seriously would die without you," he complimented. "Aw, stop!" I cutely giggled. "No, in all seriousness, you kinda were the one who called 911, otherwise, I would have been dead..." 

"Oh... right..." 

(Timeskip all the way to when Rich moves back in with his drunk dad brought to you by my migraine and lack of sleep) 

8:47 pm

Jake: hey babe!

Rich: Hey, what's up? 

Jake: I'm bored

Rich: You sound like me in math class!

Jake: ha, same!

Rich: What do you wanna talk about?

Jake: Idk

Rich: Do you wanna plan another date this weekend?

Jake: sure! movie night?

Rich: Perfect!!!

Jake: can u come to my house at 6:30 saturday

Rich: Yup!

Jake: cool

(8:59 pm)

Rich: ogng i gtg . beu ily 

(A/N: Rich typed that super fast -- it's supposed to say OMG, I gtg. Bye ily!)

Jake: love u goodnight

Every night, Rich typed perfectly normal with capitalization and punctuation unlike me, however, he would randomly leave within one text. I scrolled through every text conversation to see if there was a pattern every time Rich left. 

8:59 pm every single time. 

Oh, God... What happens at 9:00? I look down at my phone to see if I can call him. The worst thoughts begin to flood my head. 9:09 pm. Fuck! 

Rich's POV

I contemplated texting Rich. I promised I would text him before I did anything, but my dad might actually murder me if I'm not studying. He checks on me every night at 9:00 pm to see if I'm slacking off or doing work. 

I took the razor. "I'm sorry, Jakey," I held it to my skin, not wanting to do something I clearly needed to do. "I-" 

Word count: 901

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