Model Magic

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Song Choice: Why? by 3T ft. Michael Jackson


21st May 1983 Michael's POV

I slouch back in my seat with a grin on my face. I put my finger to my lip. Did she really kiss me? I mean, did we? I bite my lip and sigh,

I get dragged into my thoughts when suddenly the door opens to reveal my driver. I nod to him and walk through the door of my home. I walk into the kitchen and grab some water.

I finish the bottle and then walk upstairs, through the hall and then into my master bedroom and then into my closet. I bite my lip and grab sweats and a white shirt.

I lift my shirt over my head and then slide the white shirt on and then my pants.

I rinse my toothbrush under the water and then get between the sheets and I never realised how tired I was until I laid down, I start remembering the date, the fans, the- the kiss. I smile and then it fades as I gradually fall asleep.


22nd May 1983 Tabitha's POV

I wake up to feel cold water all over my face. I squeal and flick the water out of my eyes.

"What the hell!" I protest, my sheets and pillow will be wet now! I groan and open my eyes

"Come on, Tab, you got a photoshoot today. Rememba'?" Gadot is still in her pyjamas but without her makeup.

I groan and smash the pillow beside me into my face and she snatches it away,

"It's only-" I check my watch and my eyes widen,

"10:34!" I gasp and quickly scramble out of bed and into the shower leaving the door open but the shower curtain drawn so I can talk to Gadot whilst she picks my outfit for today.

"Ya' do know that you're having a photoshoot with another person!" Gadot yells and looks through my clothes,

"Who!?" I start to scrub my body with my soap and rinse the conditioner out my hair,

"I dunno, but it's a guy! They never said!" She replies and looks through my jewellery to find something for me to wear,

"Great," I hiss but not that I'm partnering with someone, because I don't know the guy,

I wrap a towel around my body and hair. I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth quickly.

"He's famous though!" She yells and I spit the stuff out leaving my breath all fresh and minty.

"Well, obviously he is!" I roll my eyes and enter my huge ass closet.

"Okay, well I was thinkin' this will do good and these and those pair of shoes," She gets the dress off the hanger and lays it down on the stool and grabs the ankle wrap heels then the earrings.

"Okay, well I was thinkin' this will do good and these and those pair of shoes," She gets the dress off the hanger and lays it down on the stool and grabs the ankle wrap heels then the earrings

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