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Song Choice: Off the wall by Michael Jackson

6th September 1983 Tabitha

I lay my head on Mikes shoulder as the plane lands to a stop in Canada, I'm so excited to see my dad!

I start to stand and hold my hand out for Michael to grab and he does so and gently places a kiss on it leaving tingles where he kissed,

"You ready?" I ask and he nods,

"Nobody knows we're here- yet," I quickly add to the end and he smiles,

We walk down the steps hand-in-hand with me leading the way,

We get inside a black car and speed off to the hotel we're staying in,

"Were going to meet my dad at his once we've unpacked and eaten because I'm starving," I rub my belly and he giggles,

"I'm hungry too," He bites his lips and drops his luggage onto the floor and the bag on the bed, he flops back onto it and sighs with exhaustion,

"Two weeks, huh?" He sighs a more dramatic sigh and I snort,

"So dramatic, Mr Jackson," I crawl onto the bed and cuddle into him,

He huffs and plays with my hair,

"Plus, my dad is really nice but can be stubborn," I state and he scoffs

"Mhmm, reminds me of someone," He says sarcastically and I hit his chest playfully and sit up,

"I'm gonna order food and then call Father dearest to tell him we've arrived and driving to his house," I skip to the phone and dial room service and look through the menu,

"Hi, can I have two potato and pasta bowls with a bottle of spring water?" I ask and bite my lip,

"Okay, so two potato pasta bowls and a bottle of spring water?" She repeats and I clear my throat,

"Yep thanks," I smile and give her the room number,

In a pathetic amount of time, our meals arrived safe and edible. I scoff it all down and take a long sip of water,

"I need to freshen up," I cough and walk to the bathroom with my zip up makeup bag to re-apply the makeup that faded, I brush my teeth as well as Michael.

I stretch over to the front of the car and then the radio up because I hear one of Michael's song, Off the wall. I look over to him and grin,

"Good job, Jackson," I giggle and poke his forehead,

I start to sing to it and bop my leg with the beat,

I look over to see him staring at me, I frown and give him a little smirk.

"What?" I ask and he smiles then shakes his head,

"You're so cute," He sighs, I snort and shove his shoulder playfully and roll my eyes,

"Thank you," I giggle and he huffs with a smile.
We pass a curve on the road that I specifically remember, we're on his driveway.

I start to get butterflies in my stomach, yes, I know it's only my dad but I haven't seen him for what feels like ages because of stupid schedules.

I squeeze Mike's hand to reassure him, I wink,

"Don't worry, he won't bite," I grin and he rolls his eyes,

"Kiss?" He asks and places a finger on his lips and I lean in the peck his lips.

"Better?" I ask and he nods

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