Baby Picture // Mature Content

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I found this and I'm balling my eyes out

Today was hectic and I HATED it. We had to do so much freaking walking and my lazy ass legs couldn't move that much.

But I've been rewarded with a nice bath with my husband. He pulls me into his legs, my back rests on his chest and his arms around my waist as we sit in the bath tub.

He kisses my neck and then presses another kiss there. I close my mouth in satisfaction. He presses open mouthed kisses around my sweet spot, he nibbles it and then darts his tongue over where he bit.

And that's when I break.

I turn around and straddle him. Our lips press together violently and I feel him against my thigh, hard. I chuckle and he bites my lower lip.

"You know, I've never made love in the bath," He says lowly. "Then let's try," I kiss him again. Sex doesn't hurt the baby in any way, the vibrations send the little bubba to sleep, I read it in one of Shayla's books about pregnancy, god knows why but it actually came handy.

I shift and he coughs back moan, I chuckle. He wraps his arms around my waist, I cup his cheek with one hand, I reach down and grab him.

I pump him up and down to get him ready, which he really doesn't need but I still do it because it's really funny teasing him. I give up my assault and guide it to my entrance.

I lift my body up and wrap my arms around Mike. I sink down onto him and let out a little moan because Janet could probably hear us for Christ sake. I bury my face in his neck and kiss spots around it.

His grip tightens and my hips start to rock back and forth. "Ah, fuck..." He breathes and I smirk. I do stuff to him that not only pleasures me but pleasures him.

I kiss him again and start to rock faster and harder. I'm so thankful we didn't fill the tub up a lot or Elsa a tsunami will be flowing everywhere.

"Tabitha," He breathes into my neck and I squint my eyes shut. This is an experience, usually we don't have to be quiet since we have a huge ass house and acres of lands for ourselves and nobody could hear us.

I play with his hair and the same feeling starts to move down, I actually have to keep my mouth on his shoulder to stop a scream from coming out. If she heard us then she'd probably think I'm getting murdered.

Michael follows after me and I feel a warm liquid enter me. I chuckle lowly at him. "You're dirty," I kiss his check. Mike raises an eyebrow.

"You were the one that wanted to do it like this," He chuckles and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "And I have no regrets," I pull my body off of him and wince a little.

I grab a towel and dry myself. Mike does the same and next thing I know, we're under the sheets and tangled into each other. Another heaving mess. I don't even know why I can't keep my hands off of him.

Oh wait.

Baby hormones. I roll my eyes mentally and drift off into a sleep.

Did you guys enjoy your porn? 😉

Baby check up day

It has been a week since the vacation and I really needed it. Mike has filmed BAD and I'm happy that he has, it's like a bunch of weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.

But right now I lay on the examining bed, shirt lifted up with gel on my stomach. Michael stands by my side, his hand gripping onto mine.

"You both must be very excited to be having a baby," My private doctor says. Oh, we're more than excited. "Very," Mike kisses my knuckles and the doctor gives us a smile.

"Okay, I'm going to put this stick on your stomach and find where the baby is," He takes a stick that is wired to the machine and I nod.

He places it where the gel is and moves around a bit until a blip appears. "That right there, is your baby," She points to the blip and my hand shoots to my mouth.

"I can check how much weeks you are by the size and the growth of the baby," She leans closer to the machine and examines the blip.

"Twenty-Seven weeks pregnant. Your Baby is the size of a cauliflower believe it or not," She moves the stick around she clicks a button.

"Thump, thump, thump, thump," Was the sound to be heard. "That's the baby's heartbeat," She smiles.

I haven't look at Michael once because I haven't been able to, my eyes have been fixated on the screen with tears welling in my eyes.

I look over to my husband and he has wet eyes. I grab onto his neck and kiss his lips. I wipe his tears away and kiss his cheek.

"I can take a photo of the baby," She smiles and I nod without hesitation. She chuckles and clicks another button, a piece of paper comes out and she hands it to us. I graze my finger lightly over it and then hand it to Mike.

"Have you felt anything moving down there? Like stretching?" She asks. "Yeah, I didn't suspect much though," I finally talk. "Ah. Well that's your baby kicking, he or she can feel your touch so that makes the baby want to kick or push,"

So that was you all this time?

I bite my lip and keep my eyes on the screen. I keep my eyes on the blip, the baby. My baby.

We wanted the gender of our baby to be a surprise for when he or she comes out.

I'm laying down, my bad resting against the bed frame and Michael has his head resting on my belly whilst I read a book. He usually placed a kiss once in a while and it feels so relaxing.

But every time he comes close the baby kicks, it feels a bit uncomfortable but it also feels amazing. "I want to discuss names," He yawns and I fold my page.

"Is that so?" I place the book down and run my fingers through Mike's hair. "Very much so," He kisses the belly and it sends shivers all around.

"If it's a girl, I really want to name her either, Lilly, Flora, Or Paris," He mutters. "I like them,"

"But what if he's a boy? Have you thought of anything yet?" I ask, he chuckles. "Yes, actually. I really want something that ran down in the family, something like Prince," He says.

"I wanted that name too," I chuckle. It would be named after Prince but also a family from Michael's side. "Really?" He asks and kisses the bump again, the baby kicks and Michael fees it.

"That isn't hurting, right?" He asks. "Hah, no. It just feels weird,".

"Then it's gonna be Prince if he's a boy and what girl name is she is a girl?" He asks. "I like Paris," It's a very pretty name and it reminds me of the Eiffel Tower.

"Then it's sorted. Your name is either Prince or Paris," He sighs.

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