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While waiting for someone to go and visit inside the shop, I decided to flew away since I was kinda bored.

I stopped at an unknown modern house, resting myself on one of the bushes near the house. But then, someone interrupt my alone time.

"Kei! Can you buy some fertilizer and new plants?"

A male who is watering and checking the plants said, then come outside of the house was a tall male with blonde hair and black rectangular glasses and a headset resting on his neck.

"What for?"

"Replacement for the wilt ones."

"Yeah sure, what kind of flower?"

He said in a monotone voice. He's wearing a green polo shirt and plain grey pants.

"Any kind."

I watched as the glasses wearing boy was about to speak when he was cut off by a mature lady's voice echoed inside the house.

"Akiteru dear! Can you please help me here?"

Then, the other male put some money on the blonde haired boy named 'Kei' and run off to help the female inside of the house whom I assume are their mother. The blonde haired boy grumbled and sighed and glanced at the door for a moment before walking off.

I flew on the air as I trail behind him. Walking quietly and peacefully on the pavement.

Flapping my wings gracefully as ___'s shop came to my view, a few blocks away.

The blonde haired boy put on the headset.

Finally reaching ___'s shop, he opened the glass door as the jingling sound of the chimes echoes the shop and I slipped in hurry before it closes completely.

I saw a silver haired male with a beauty mark under his eye leaves the door with a pot of pink hyacinth.

I wonder what I missed.

My gaze was till on the blonde boy as he search for some fertilizer, his headphones rest on his neck. Maybe because ____ played a soft song inside the shop.

He picked one and walked towards the counter where ___ was patiently waiting with a soft smile gracing her features.

"This would be all sir?"

"No. Can you recommend me something for a house plant?"

I saw as ___'s soft smile turned into a joyous one. It always spike her interest when the subject is about flowers and all. Specially if someone is asking on what plants are good for their house.

"Well, about that, would you want it to be small?"


He plainly said as I flapped my wings, landing on the sunflower. He's  mysterious too.

"Hmm...if you want you can keep cactus if you want, no flower or something that blooms flower?"

The blonde male thought for a moment before he answered in a monotone voice.

"Something that blooms flower."

"Um...do you have any kind of type of it in mind?"

Kei look at ___ and said, "Do you have something that can live for days without water?"

___ gave a big grin and nodded, walking over one section of the shop to stopped at a certain flower, walking back towards Kei who is waiting patiently. Coming back with a flower that had already bloomed.

It's white flower was surrounded by lively green leaves.

"This is a Peace Lily, it can live for days, it also removes toxins in the air which is a benefit. It is also a low care flowering plant so it is good!"

___ explained with shining happy eyes, Kei seems to like the benefit of the flower and told her that he will buy it. When I assume that she was about to take the payment, something happened.

"How much was the flower?"

"Oh that would be ¥2000 also would you mind writing your information instead?" She asked, the male raised a brow but did so anyway.

Before leaving the shop, we both heard him said thank you, which made ___ smile and waved.

"Have a nice day!"

She watched the unknown blonde male walk away from the shop by the window. Sighing and drinking her Rose tea.

"He's very intriguing.."

I heard her mumbled, looking at her cup of tea.

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Let it Fall // Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now