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Another day of Kei's visiting. I just rolled my eye as I saw ___ walking to the back of the house. When I look at Kei, his face was switched with confusion and something I can't pinpoint.

It's probably because the shop's sign was


Just before the |h.c | haired beauty could close the door that lead to the backyard. She spotted the blonde male outside, with a frown present on his face.

I saw how she giggled at his expression before going towards the shop's door.

"Oh, I didn't expect for you to come visit me here today."

Kei coughed and look away.

"That's because I have no classes today. So I think maybe I should visit today."

"I wonder why?"

"Apparently, some urgent meeting."

A soft smile appeared on ___'s face after Kei spiked the sentence. Her eyes sparkles more than before at the thought of the male visiting her and how they will bond for the time being.

The young lady opened the door for Kei to go in which he do, she then closed the door and drag Kei to the backyard, her hands on his wrist.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To somewhere special to me."

Without giving Kei a chance to talk, a light surrounds them. Making it look like you will be blind.

Come to the view a was a place full of flowers and plants. Kei was left speechless as he even saw butterflies and bees on the background as they took sips on every each one of the flower.

"Hm, so you really love plants. This place looks like a forbidden garden. Heh."

Kei said plainly causing ___ to giggle and nodded, she is always looking so carefree.

"Actually, this Garden belongs to my grandmother before she passed away, no one will take care of them so I said to myself that this will be here momento and I will take care of it dearly."

Kei look at the |e.c| eyed girl. He must be thinking about how she managed to be still happy. Maybe because these flowers reminds her that her grandma is always by her side.

___ sighed and look at Kei.

"Would you like to come here again tomorrow?"

The look on Kei's eyes were confusion, seeing as he lifted his eyebrows. It looks like he is contemplating if he will say yes so bluntly, maybe it's kinda embarrassing to say for him. This reaction made the girl beside him chuckled and held out her hand.

"You're really thinkin—"



"I'll visit here again."

"Wonderful then!"

"So what school do you go to?"

"Karasuno High."

"I see~"

Just then, something clicked on the |e.c| eyed girl as she asked.

"Would you mind if we seat down and eat some snacks?"

Tsukishima just shrugged. Making ___'s eyes shine with happiness, clapping her hands like she's a kid receiving her favorite doll for Christmas.

With that, the rest of the day, they just chatted, well, mostly ___ asking him questions.


Night time! My favorite time of the day.

___ is brushing her hair while humming a song. She suddenly stopped and put down the brush as she sighed, looking at the calendar with a sad smile.

"Am I really allowed to fall in love?"

Oh no....

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Let it Fall // Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now