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Today is Holiday and ___'s time to closed the shop for only today.

I guess she is going somewhere after seeing that she is dressed in a peach colored dress with red ribbon on the waist line and a red hairband on her hair. A purple lilac on her head.

She is also holding a small bento.

Hmm...I wonder where she is going?

I saw ___ took out a letter, I decided to look at it of peak at it as I flapped my colorful wings together.

Oh...what a surprise...Karasuno High huh?

"I know this is not as far from here."

With a such optimistic personality, nothing could really stop our gorgeous heroine on doing what she wants.

She's really pretty and at the same time, kind, caring, generous, and loving too! She's what a man could ask for!

As she walked in the gates, there are students walking out of the school as they look at her. Well, mostly boys.

I saw how ___ stopped and decided to asked one of the boys.

"E-excuse me."

She called out as the boy blushed.


"I would like to know where the gym is located."

The boy then explained where is the gym is located making ___ smile and thanked him, walking on her own and following his instructions.


When we arrived I saw a ginger haired girl outside the gym door peaking, a love letter on her hands.

I trail silently from behind her.

___ tilt her head, probably wondering why and who is she looking for. Nonetheless, she decided to ask what she is here for.

"Hello, is Tsukishima-San here?"

The girl squeaked from the sudden voice and it took me hard not to yell how funny her reaction was. She look at the |e.c| eyed girl and narrowed her pale brown eyes.

"Who are you? Why do you know Tsukishima-kun?"

"Oh! My name is _____ ___, I am Tsukishima's friend."

"Friend huh?"

I heard the ginger haired female mumbled before walking away. Leaving ___ speechless since she didn't introduced herself and walked away.

How rude..

Although I managed to hear her mumble under her breath, "Tsukishima-kun doesn't have any female friends..." And I could only sighed at her.

I watched how ___ opened the door, surprising some people inside which I assume are the volleyball team and I was right.

"OOHH!!!! A girl!!"

"She's obviously very pretty!"

Two voices booms loudly making me flinch as well as _____. I look and saw two guys, one was bald and the other has brown hair with a yellow streak in front.

"Excuse me, is Tsukishima-San here?"

___ asked as the two guys gasped and glared at the blonde Megane.

"Tsukishima you bastard! Did you poison this girl to like you?!"

"No. And please don't go assuming things."

Kei plainly answered as he sighed.

"I'm sorry, am I distracting your practice?"

"No! Not at all!"

The boy with brown hair and a yellow streak in front of his face said. A blueberry boy walked infront as he hold the volleyball.

"Oh, you're the lady from the flower shop." The boy with beauty mark under his eye said, and I, remembering their last encounter.

"Nice to meet you, I'm _____ ___."

"Sugawara Kōshi. Nice to meet you too."

___ smiled and look around, spotting Tsukishima.

"Oh! Tsukishima-San! I've made the bento I told you!"

"Thanks...I guess."

Kei said as he looked away, taking the handmade box lunch from her.

"I'll best be on my way then."


"I can't believe Tsukishima has a cute girlfriend like her!!"

Hinata awed, he is doubting the truth that she was Kei's girlfriend, ha! He is assuming things.

"She's not my girlfriend shrimp."

'I would've been lucky if I had...her presence made me comfortable.'

Still the Kei we all know, the one who is always teasing heights or something like that.

"Oh, Tsukishima. I didn't knew that you also know _____-san."

Kei look at his Senpai, Sugawara Koushi and nodded.

"I met her there. She was Kuroo's cousin by the way."

Purple Lilac symbolizes first love

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