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I see how ___ slapped her cheeks, making a red mark there. I just laid there, thinking why she would do that.

"Kei....Kei....Kei, Kei."
Ever name that falls from her mouth sounds like a silent prayer. A chant for him to fall for her spell.

Flying towards the familiar blonde's house.

There, I saw him walking along with a freckled harden haired boy.

"Tsuki, are you sure you don't want to help them?"

"Shut up Yamaguchi."

"Sorry Tsukki, I was just asking if you will make your mind and help Kageyama and Hinata."

Later that day, the two asked Tsukishima to tutor them for their test, but he declined and so, made the duo ran to where Yachi is.

Tsukishima just sighed and nodded, shooing the freckled teen off.

So Yamaguchi is his name huh? I saw how his antenna dropped and he apologized to the blonde.

Huh? How come, I feel a cold aura with him today?

If I were to describe him, he would be the mix of a tsun and kuudere.

Soon then, the Yamaguchi boy walked away.

When he was out of sight, I watched Kei caressing the Peace Lily's smooth petals he bought from ____'s store. Mumbling.

"What are you doing to me woman?"

He groaned and walked inside the house. I heard as his mother greeted him. Wanting to see more, I watched from his window.

I saw how he looked at the plant, it was he is being reminded of a memory.

That night, he scribbled some letters on a paper and slept. Not caring about anything.

I look over and couldn't help but feel the joy creeping up my body from the sentence he wrote.

This girl from the flower shop somehow can make my heart beats faster than usual.

I shook my head and flew of to ____'s house.

Sometimes, you just gotta let go and let your heart wander.

Chrysanthemum symbolizes slight love.

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Let it Fall // Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now