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Stretching my wings as I flapped them. It's been a long long time since I slept like that! It has been days.

I flew towards ___'s house. Noticing that she must have woke up now cause her bed was organized. I flew at the shop's big glass window.

I saw the familiar writing on the board that sat on her table with a few doodles.

Alstroemerias, a flower that symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and fortune...

I see, I see~

Now, let me tell you a story or rather a fact. The blonde megane, Kei goes to ___'s shop frequently to ask some advices from her.

Please grant this child happiness..

Whenever the boy is around, ___ often smile like there's no tomorrow.

Kei always see her smiling so he can't tell the difference while ___ was used to smiling that she didn't know if it's real or not.

It's impressive how they grew with each other so soon.


Another day of Kei visiting ___'s shop, I just watch there outside the window near the door.

"Good morning Tsukishima-San!"

A coming voice came from behind of the door of the kitchen, Kei turned where the voice came from with his usual expression.

The peach door opened revealing ___ holding a tray of natural green tea with a chocolate Hazelnut churros on one of the plates.

Yumm, must be delicious!

Kei pat her head as she near them.

Making the |h.c|better pout at the thought of her hair getting messed up.

The |e.c| eyed female suddenly changed from being pouty and smiles before setting the tray down on the coffee table.

"Would you like to have a small meal with me Tsukishima-san?"

She asked Kei kindly with her unique smiles. I, was quite unaware that Kei blushed but I did caught a slight one.

"So, do you have any extracurricular activities?"


"What position are you?"


"Whoa! That must be cool! Is it fun?"

"Not by much."

"Is that so? Well, let's talk about another topic shall we?"


Ahhh, Young love.

The two of them converse for quite a long time, ___ laughing every now and then, never in my life I have seen the female this Happy. He let out a comfortable aura as he slumped his shoulder, so he is comfortable with ___-chan. How cute.

But, I wonder if he already has a lover.

Well, I shouldn't brother for that now, what important is that ___ is happy. But, she shouldn't fall for him so easily though. It might hurt her if she got rejected.

I hope you are always fine, ___.

It also symbolizes... friendship

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Let it Fall // Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now