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"I heard you are Tsukishima-kun's girlfriend. You said you were only a friend."

I look and saw the ginger haired female the other day with tears flowing out of her pale brown eyes.


A look of confusion was in ___'s face. She intertwined her fingers together, bringing it close to her chest. Her brows were furrowed and her |h.l| |h.c| hair flows elegantly on the wind.

"I-I wasn't lying. I swear! I'm just a friend!"

I can feel anger boiling inside the ginger haired girl. Just then, I saw the familiar freckled boy hiding, seems like he just gotten here.

"My name is Yui Mikasaki! I will be your rival for now on! I'll destroy your relationship together with Tsukishima-kun! I swear with my life!"

I heard the freckled boy gasp, I know his name is Yamaguchi as I remembered.


___ managed to choke out after being threatened, because if you swore to be a rival or be a rival, there is no doubt that the person would really hurt you.

"What did Tsukishima-kun even liked about you? You're so... Uhh... You're just a weak poor girl like others are!"

I saw Yamaguchi had his phone in his hands.

Well, at least there is a proof about what she said.

"Ha! What now? Can't speak? You must be a coward then! |h.c|nette idiot!"


"W-what is she talking about...I am not Tsukishima's girlfriend."

She sat on a stool silently crying to herself as I heard the tinkling of the shop's bell.

"Cousin~!! My favorite pretty cousin, ___-chan~!"

A velvety voice echoed in the store as _____ hurriedly dry her tears. I saw her cousin who last visited months ago.

"How are you my beloved cousin?"

"I'm fine."

Kuroo, the bed headed cousin of _____ has his brows in a furrowed position.

"What's this? Why are you not ranting about flowers? You usually do that whenever I visit."

_____ could only chuckle and shake her head, motioning for Kuroo to sit down which he complied to. Passing his teacup a tea. Green tea.

"What brings you here, Tetsu?"

"Oh you know~ mother wants me to visit and so, I complied~ since I also want to see ___-chan~"

"Thank you, Tetsu."

They just sat there, talking with each other. Moments passed, Kuroo grabbed his cousin's calloused hands into his, looking directly at her eyes.

"So...how is it?"

___ bow her head down and look at the calendar. With a smile towards the black bed head.

"About two weeks left."

Kuroo sighed, stood up and walked towards the |h.c| haired girl.

"Don't worry, I'll be here for you. You're not alone."

He comforts her, hugging her with such affection a brother would do so as tears fall off of ___'s eyes as she nodded.

"Mm.. thank you...Tetsuro-kun."

Kuroo smiled and patted her head as ___ continued to sob against his red shirt. Looking at the ticking clock in front of him

"I'll be here...___-chan."

Quite unaware of the blonde megane outside the shop as I watched him leave.

Yellow Carnations disdains disappointment

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Let it Fall // Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now