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"Good morning ___-chan!!"

A voiced echoed in the _____ residence as I shrieked (since us butterflies don't really do that, consider it my way of saying how it surprised me to the core.). Every morning, I was used on the silent day routine but with Kuroo here, he can make up ____'s day into a lively one.


____ stirred at his loud voice, suddenly I saw him jumped over ____'s bed. I can imagine how heavy he is, especially how the bed creak loud and part of the cushion sunk deep.

Setting half of his body on her.

"No! Get off of me!! I'll tell auntie about this!"

"Oh no you don't!!"

They began to tickle each other as I silently laughed at their similarities, they are both bedheaded today.

"Pfft! Stop it Tetsuro-kun! My s-si-sides are hurting!!"

____'s face was turning red from crying from the tickles as Kuroo laughed along, still tickling his dear beloved cousin.

(A/N me: lol.)

Finally they stopped, Kuroo taking something out of his chest pocket and hands it to ___. A red, crimson coloured letter was handed to her.

"W-what is this?"

Kuroo think for a moment before smiling a little. Explaining where he got it.

"A girl with ginger colored hair came and said that she is your friend and to pass this letter to you."

___ frowned and hung her head low.

"Speaking of which, I don't know you will get a friend because of how you don't come to school."

Kuroo said while smirking as ___ playfully slapped his back. Giving him her glare before tons of sweats runs down from his forehead.

"You're so mean Tetsu."

The good thing is that I am not a human.. or I will see how terrifying her glare is.

"Let's get ready now, let's open the shop."

Kuroo nodded and they both stood up to get ready, walking towards the dining room to eat some food Kuroo created.


"Thank you for coming!"

The chimes of the bell echoed in the store as the costumer left.

"So ____-chan..."

The female girl turned her attention towards her cousin who was watering the small plants on the shop.

"Do you....."

The |e.c| eyed girl stopped counting the money and look at Kuroo who was frowning instead of his usual smirk.

"Like someone?"

___ thought for a moment before giggling.

"Of course everyone silly."

Kuroo sighed and shook his head before putting the watering can on the side, grabbing ____ by the shoulder.

"No, I mean..."

"Do you love someone?"

____'s eyes widened as she looked away as she twirled a hair on her pale fingers.

"Well, there is a guy whom I have fallen in love for."

She started as it spiked Kuroo's interest. They both sat down and chatted inside the shop with tea on their hands.

"He wears a black spectacles and has blonde hair. Although people may mistaken him as a cold guy, I can sense that it's already his nature to act tough..."

Kuroo hummed and nodded attentively at her as she continued to speak.

"He also visits here regularly! Although it is quite unexpected."

___ looked at the Gardenia on her side and smiled.

Kuroo immediately noticed and smiled softly, not wanting to continue the conversation anymore, he gave the |h.c| haired teen a couple of money.

"Here, buy some dresses that suits you okay? You need to go shopping anyway."

The |e.c| eyed girl tilted her head and look at Kuroo with a brow raised.

"Why? It's not like I will need them. Also, who will look out of the shop?"

Kuroo sighed and pushes ___ on the door's shop.

"Just go enjoy shopping some clothes and I will look out of the shop alright?"

____ nodded and hugged her cousin before walking away after setting on to her shoes, unaware that someone was following her.

Gardenia symbolizes secret love

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Let it Fall // Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now