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Another day for me along with ___, to my surprise, I saw ___ scratching her head while her other hand was in the handler of the fridge.

Just a carton of milk here and a few eggs.

It seems like she haven't bought groceries yet huh? I watched ____ look at her wallet that laid on one of the tables and sighed, she seems relieved.

Fumbling over the keys and closed the door of her house along with the shop.

She was walking with plain bare white dress with peach flats and matching belt on her waist. Her |h.l| |h.c| hair flows along the wind as I flew in the air.

She entered a small shop as I watched on the large glass window. Hiding behind the big bush of leaves so no one would see me and catch me.

She walk over the aisle looking over the meats and vegetables section. She picked the fresh ones among them with her soft smile not leaving her features.

As I watched her, I saw a familiar boy. His blonde locks still the same, looking over the sweets. Huh? Does he like sweets?

Of course everyone likes sweets! Who wouldn't?

He took out a box of strawberry pocky and cake along with chips on the shelves. Putting it on his own basket.

This boy....I hope he won't get any cavity from those.

Suddenly, they saw each other, the boy, not giving a big bother just stare at ____ while ____ gave the boy a gleefull greeting while Kei greets back nonchalantly.

What a coincidence meeting once again but inside another shop.

"Oh, what a coincidence!"

____ exclaimed, to think that this mortal is as sweet as sugar while the other is as salty as the sea. A completely different person.

"I forgot yo introduce myself, I'm _____ ___, and you are..?"

I saw how he clicked his tongue, clearly irritated as God who knows what irritate him.

"Tsukishima Kei."

He simply said as ___ grew a smile. With that, ___ walked pass him and told goodbye before going to the counter whilst the blonde male was still picking something on the shop.

___ oh dear..


By now, I am watching at her window, she is looking at the framed picture with her hands on her mouth to muffle her cries. She has been tainted at an early age, tainted that not everything on Earth can be happy.

She was known to be a happy and calm person, but who could've think she been through something like this at an early age..

I flapped my wings and look for the certain blonde.

I saw him looking at the now blooming flower he once bought to ___'s store, he was watering it and putting some fertilizers.

Hmm, they say that a person who takes care of the nature is naturally a nice person at heart. Heh. Who would've thought.

Daisy represents Innocence and Purity.

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Let it Fall // Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now