Six Swoons

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*three years pasted*

It's been three years and I've never been happier. I had so much fun with everyone. In this three years, six guys had started to have interest in me. Yes! Six! THAT MANY!!! And if you want to know their names then I'll tell you. Their names are Toby, Masky, Ben, Hoodie, Jeff, and EJ. I must say that it gets annoying cause they are always flirting but its also adorable.
"But Jazzzz!!!" Masky wined. "I said no! This is my cheesecake. I am the one who stole it" I said. He sighed "Fine" he said then frowned. I started feeling bad. "Ugh fine! Here!" I said and gave him the whole thing. "THANK YOUUU!!!" He said excited. He took it and gave me a passionate kiss before walking away with the cheesecake. I giggled and walked to the living room to watch some T.V. "Did Masky just kiss you?" Hoodies asked and I just nodded. "MASKY YOU ARE DEAD!!!" Jeff yelled then ran to where ever Masky was to probably kill him, and Hoodie joined him. KK, EJ,Ben, and Toby walked in. "What happened?" Ben asked. "Oh Jeff and Hoodie are going to kill Masky for kissing me" I said. "MASKY DID WHAT!?!?" EJ yelled. "HE'S DEAD!!!" They all said before running off after Jeff and Hoodie.
KK looked at me with a smirk. "What?" I asked. "You got six guys swooning over you" she said then chuckled. I giggled and went back to watching T.V. KK came and sat next to me. "You ready for the mission tonight" KK asked. I replied with a nod. Me and KK usually go on missions together and we always have fun. But for some reason I have a weird feeling about tonight. Maybe something will happen or maybe I'm just thinking too much. I guess we'll have to wait and see...

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