Forget About Me

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Charlottes POV

It has been a year since I have moved to England I am loving it me and Nathan have been spending loads of time together we have had a number of acations where we have ended up kissing. When my dad killed my mother I swore that I would never love because I didn't want to go through as much pain as my mother did. This is why I don't want to go out with Nathan I cant love him do I want to end up like my mother dead ? I do trust Nathan  we have become so close. I can tell Nathan Is getting frustrated with me because I keep on kissing him and then acting like nothing has happened. Nathan text me today saying that he wanted to meet up at Starbucks today was the day I was going to tell him about my mothers death seeing as exactly one year ago I was going to tell him but then we kissed and I told him to leave.

Nathans POV

Me and Charlotte had become real close friends but on a number of times she has kissed me and then she would just forget about it.I needed to know how she felt about me before I left to go on tour for a year. It was starting to get on my nerves now so I text her to meet me at Starbucks today.I was waiting at the table and I saw Charlotte come in I waved at her and she came over to me and said "hey nath what did you want to talk about?" I looked up and said to her "look how do you feel about me Charlotte ?" she was slightly blushing and then said to me "I don't know Nathan you are an amazing friend" I snapped back at her and said "you don't know how you feel about me ! then why do you always kiss me and then forget it never happened I am getting sick and tired of these games you are playing with me ! I am leaving for a year to go on tour and when I get back I hope you figure out what you feel!" she looked shocked at me for saying this.

Charlottes POV

Nathan was leaving oh great !after he had said this to me I was getting frustrated and said to him "I didn't want to end up like my mother killed my her own husband! just go on tour forget all about me I don't need you Nathan  goodbye!" I got up and ran out I got home and fell onto the sofa and cried my eyes out how could he have been so mean to me ? you know what forget about him ! I decided to phone my friend Kate me and her are in the same classes at collage me and her became friends when we discovered our love for playing the piano. I phoned her and told her what had happened and she said that she would be right round.

Nathans POV

Oh dear what did you do Nathan I never knew that her dad killed her mother how terrible I understand that she was scared that she would end up like her mother but I would never do anything to hurt her when she said to forget all about her I was hurt how could she just say that ? ok I will try and forget my feelings for her but not her she was my friend after all. tomorrow we where going on tour and I would have to leave everything behind. maybe the tour will help her sort out how she feels having a break from me might help. think positive Nathan. she didn't want to forget did she ? I hope not.

Charlottes POV

Kate was round and me and her had discussed everything that had happened with Nathan  and then she said to me "you love him don't you?" I replied and said "yes I do but I am scared " she comforted me and we spoke all night I will tell him how I feel when he comes home I hope he didn't take me seriously when I said to him forget about me. we will just have to wait and see when he comes back. My phone then rang it was Nathan

Nathan : hey Charlotte I am sorry I was such a dick head to you please forgive me can we be friends again?

Charlotte: yes Nathan ! I would love that have a lovely tour text me when you can I will miss you

Nathan : I will miss you too Charlotte.

Thank god he rang me I needed to clear the air with him now I could forget about everything that had happened and live my life not regretting anything.

Nathans POV

after my phone call with Charlotte I decided that I would finish my packing I was looking through my things and found a picture of me and Charlotte it was when we went for a picnic in the park and she wore my hat she looked so sweet in it so I let her keep it. I finished my packing and went to bed early because I have to get up really early in the morning to catch the flight. I shut my eyes and the memories of me and Charlotte had where just re playing in my head. all the good and the bad. I have to find someone else she don't love me back that's what I am going to do move on. I wonder when I come back if she would have changed or met someone ? a part of me hopes that she does and a part of me doesn't.

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