Part 15 - The Beginning of the End

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*Jett's POV*
"So let me get this straight."  I said after Lucas and Karly told me what happened "The Traveler spoke to both of you and unlocked new abilities for you?"
"Kind of."  Karly corrected "It was more like a trial run.  I haven't been able to recall the sword since I killed the Hangman."
"Me neither,"  Lucas added.
I thought the situation over for a minute, then nodded to myself and returned my attention to my team.
"While you guys were on your way here," I said "Ikora called.  She started talking about visions...and voices...trees, for some reason or another?  Whatever.  Point is, she said that if we found or heard anything like that, we were to go to Io.  She said the answers would be there."
"How soon can we leave?"  Karly asked.
"Whenever we want.  I've already talked to Spider about it and he said we could go.  I think I gave him a headache too."
"Then let's get going already!"  Lucas said excitedly "I wanna get that power back as soon as possible."


Just as we made the jump to light speed, Ikora's voice spoke through our comms.
"I understand your visions have taken the forms of disembodied voices."  She stated "I've heard them too.  I went back to Io for answers.  The last place the Traveler touched.  Io will react to your arrival...If you let it."
The line went dead and I glanced around the inside of my ship nervously.
"That was...ominous,"  Karly muttered.
"Not to mention creepy!"  Lucas added.
"Yeah."  I agreed "Definitely creepy.  Alright Jackal, strap in.  We're approaching Io.  Drop on my signal.  Three...Two...One...Drop!"
The tunnel of light vanished as our ships lurched forward, stopping a mile or two outside Io's atmosphere.  I gave the go-ahead and pushed the thrusters as we headed for the moon.  When we landed, I immediately checked my map for anything out of the ordinary.
"Map's clean."  I announced, "What are we supposed to be looking for?"
"How about the giant beam of light that's shooting out of the crater the Traveler left?"  Karly suggested.
I looked in the direction of the crater and my jaw fell wide open.  Sure enough, there was a beam of light that disappeared in the clouds above us. 

Karly grabbed my hand and pulled me along as she and Lucas went to get a better look

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Karly grabbed my hand and pulled me along as she and Lucas went to get a better look. When we got to the edge of the crater, the light at the base of the pillar grew before sending out a pulse of energy that washed over us.
"What the hell was that?" Lucas squeaked.
"I-I think it was the Traveler." I replied "I think he's trying to talk to us. Watch your backs team."
We turned away from the crater and started exploring the surrounding area.  When we made it up the hill, three little orbs flew straight towards us and stopped directly in front of our faces. They looked like they were studying us.
"Devotion..." Lucas' whispered.
"Compassion..." Karly's whispered.
There was a long pause before my orb finally spoke.
"Bravery..." it said.
The orbs flew off and disappeared before a voice echoed inside my head.
"Compassion brings devotion. Devotion inspires bravery. Bravery inspires sacrifice. Sacrifice...leads to death."
The voice went silent as we walked through the cave that had been marked on our HUDs. Inside we found a tree made entirely out of light. The branches were naked, covered in black bark, and twisted like an old willow tree.
"It's him." I gasped "The tree it''s part of the Traveler."
"How do you know that?" Lucas asked.
"...I don't know."
I reached out to touch the tree, but it vanished. The tracker pointed further inside the cave, and after walking around for a while, we found the second tree. Then the voice started again.
"A boy who is afraid to lose what he treasures. A girl that is afraid of failure. An android who believes he will destroy everything he loves. The thunder brings the flames, but the flames, chase off the shadow."
I looked between my teammates as the tree disappeared, but they were as clueless as I was.
"Let's...keep going," I ordered.
We found the third tree imprisoned inside a dome of Taken energy.
"You might have been kings and queens of the Deep! But you have toppled Oryx, and you have not replaced him!"
The same went with the tree after that.
"Humanity must have protectors...Will you stand with me?"
And the tree after that.
"Even the stars are brighter now...the whole cosmos is ablaze..."
Eventually, we found ourselves in a cave swarming with Hive and Taken. I killed the last one just as the voice returned.
"The Light lives in all places, in all things. You can block it, even try to trap it. But the Light will find its way. And the Traveler will defend itself."
The voice ceased, but the tree didn't disappear like the ones before. I nodded to the others and we reached for the tree, our fingers resting on its warm branches. Just as we made contact, the plant was gone. But it left something.
'A Seed of Light.' I thought.
"Congratulations Guardians." Ikora said "Remember, when we channel the Light, we connect to something much bigger than any one of us. Even departed sparks — like Cayde's — still leave a trace in this luminous web we call the Light."
Then the voices started again.

A Light in the Endless Abyss (Abused & neglected gunslinger OC x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now