Part 10 - Lost

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Thank you guys so much!  I appreciate all the attention this book has been getting!

*Jett's POV*
I sat at the spicy ramen shop in the Tower's western courtyard with Lucas to my left and Karly to my right. Black flags hung all around us, each one decorated with a red streak and a white spade. I hated them with a passion because they were a constant reminder of my failure. Ikora said it wasn't my fault, but I knew she only wanted to ease my guilt. Cayde died in the prison because I wasn't there to back him up.
"So... what do we do now?" Lucas asked.
I looked at him with tired eyes, sick of hearing the same question for the last week. Yang did a number on him and his new look was proof.

I wouldn't have been the first to admit he was quite intimidating

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I wouldn't have been the first to admit he was quite intimidating.
"I don't know."  I sighed.
'Things have gone downhill so fast.' I thought miserably 'Yang's lost her arm, Pyrrha and Cayde are dead, Ruby's still unconscious, Salem and Savathûn are still out there and now there's Uldren to deal with.'
I put my glass on the counter with a loud crack and raised my hand for another round.
"I mean, what can we do?" I asked "Salem and Savathûn are nearly unstoppable and Uldren's hiding somewhere in the Reef. Let's face the facts... we lost."
"I thought I taught you differently, Guardians?" A voice boomed.
The others turned to face the man behind us, but I only glanced over my shoulder while the shopkeeper refilled my drink.

The others turned to face the man behind us, but I only glanced over my shoulder while the shopkeeper refilled my drink

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"What do you want, Shaxx?" I grumbled.
"I wanted to check on you three." The Crucible Handler replied, "You are my favorites after all."
"Gee... thanks."
"Dude, come on." Lucas sighed "He's just trying to help."
"Whatever." I spat "I'll see you guys at the house."
I got out of my seat and stormed off, but Shaxx grabbed my arm.
"The other reason I came here, is because Banshee wants to speak with you." He added, "It's about Cayde."
"Tell him I don't wanna hear it." I spat
I pulled away and continued walking.
"He said that if you don't show, he'll dismantle Crimson for scrap metal." Shaxx hollered.
I groaned loudly and marched over to Banshee's shop. I found the Exo leaning against the wall, glaring at a spot on the floor.
"You sent Shaxx to get me like an errand boy." I said, "This better be important."
"Forty-four." He grunted "Forty-four times I've forgotten something, but I could never forget Cayde. Not even once. He left everything to whoever took him down. Don't know about you. But I'd rather lose every memory I have than let that little prick of a prince walk around with the Ace of Spades."
"What's that got to do with me?"
"Shut up and listen. Maybe you'll figure it out. Cayde was a good guy. Cared for friends like they were family and family like they were the whole world. He made two wills for when he died. One for his killer, one for you. He left your team a little gift in your apartment."
"We've been staying there for weeks Banshee. The place is empty."
"He was never the obvious type. Look a little harder."
"Does it even matter?"
"The hell makes you think it doesn't?!"
I took a step back. I'd never seen Banshee act this way. He was always the calm, no-small-talk kind of person. He took a deep breath, then looked at me sternly.
"Promise me something." He growled "Promise you'll put Uldren in the ground and get the Ace of Spades back. If anyone should have the Ace... S'you."
I looked down for a second, then nodded.

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