Part 8 - End of the Beginning (Act I)

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*Jett's POV*
I eased off the thrusters as my ship dropped out of the Vex Gate.  Ahead of us was the infamous Prison of Elders.  A maximum-security penitentiary for the galaxy's absolute worst. 
"Why are we going to the Prison of Elders?"  I asked.
"Petra called me about a riot going on and she needs us to help stop it."  Dad answered, "Nothing too serious so long as we end it before the prisoners can escape."
"Approaching Prison border,"  Zwei reported.
We teleported onto the dock while our ships flew to a more secure location.  As we walked closer, I could see Petra waiting for us with her pistol in hand.
"Petra Venj."  Cayde greeted "Thanks for the invite.  Whatcha packing for this party?"
"Good to see you again PV."  I greeted "Been a while, hasn't it?"
"It certainly has."  She agreed "As for my equipment, it's the usual."
She whipped out her knife and showed off the curved blade.
"Oh!  Do the thing."  Cayde said before whispering to me "Seriously, watch this."
Petra opened her hand and her dagger started to levitate and spin.  She snatched it out of the air and Cayde shuddered.
"That'll never not freak me out."  He stated, "Do it again!"
"Later."  Petra said "Maybe.  Right now, gen-pop is running wild.  Fortunately, the main arena and lower levels remain on lockdown.  But if the core security systems fail...containment is going to be...a problem."
"Just another day at the office,"  Cayde replied.
Petra smiled and ran inside.  Cayde turned to me and pulled out the Ace of Spades.
"All right, kiddo, this is a Cayde riff in 6, watch me for the changes, and, uh...try to keep up."  Dad joked "Now let's go to prison!"

A/N: In case any of you didn't know, what Cayde said was a reference to Back To The Future.  Pretty cool, huh?

He jumped backward and disappeared, but I could hear his excited cheering all the way.  I laughed as I pulled out Better Devils, then ran after Petra.
"Got you!"  Dad shouted "Got you!  Got you!"
"Showoff."  I chuckled.
"Heard that!"
I rolled my eyes and sprinted across the bridge leading further inside.
"Oho, these guys really wanna dance,"  Dad said.
"Ain't no party like a Hunter party,"  I said.
"No argument there."
I ran down the hall before stopping in the ruins of an observation deck.  There were Cabal and Fallen wasting one another on the floor below.  I took a few steps back, then sprinted towards a hole in the wall and jumped through.  I looked down the barrel of my hand cannon and made three headshots in a row before my feet hit the floor.
"Hiya boys!"  I hollered "Remember me?"
Immediately, everyone focused their attack on me and forced me to duck behind cover.
"They remember me,"  I muttered.
I ran out from behind my rock and switched to my auto-rifle, Valakadyn.  I fired one burst after the next until the Cabal Colossus and everyone else lay dead.

  I fired one burst after the next until the Cabal Colossus and everyone else lay dead

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"This is gonna make a great story,"  Cayde commented.
"I'd read it."  I agreed "The main character is a complete badass."
"You're too kind, kid."
I was about to argue when a massive explosion shook the prison.
"Who's blowing stuff up without me?!"  I shouted.
"I'll check it out."  Petra volunteered "You two join me when you're ready."
"Got it."  I answered, "See you in a bit PV."
I raced through a hole created by the blast and moved effortlessly across the destroyed catwalk before walking into a room and watching Petra pull her knife from a Vandal's stomach.
"I love fieldwork!"  She breathed happily "That explosion took out security on the lower decks.  I'll check the high-value prisoners down there.  In the meantime, go with Cayde to the security hub and get the defenses back online."
The door closed and I hurried down an empty corridor while Dad spoke to me over the comms.
"This crowd isn't going to just let us waltz over to the security hub."  He explained, "I'll go high, you go low."
"Copy that,"  I said.
The door at the end of the hall opened and a trio of Vandals ran by, but I capped the third one before he could get too far.  I slid across the floor and pushed into the air before firing on the prisoners with my Golden Gun.
"What a shot!"  Cayde complimented "I think I'm gonna cry."
"Keep it together Dad."  I groaned.
"I'm sorry.  I'm just so proud right now."
I continued dropping one inmate after the next until I watched Dad go toe-to-toe with a Hive Knight as tall as The Darkblade.  He slid under the giant as it leaped into the air, only to come back down as a pile of ashes after taking a couple of hits from his Golden Gun.
"That's how it's done!"  I cheered.
"Can I just say, I'm having the time of my life right now?"  Dad boasted.
While he was talking, Dad pulled the pin on an incendiary grenade and tossed it over his shoulder, killing the Cabal soldier beneath him.  I laughed and kept going.
"Approaching the security hub now, Petra,"  Zwei reported.
"Good."  She said, "The power is out down here, so I'm stuck taking the long way to supermax."
A door slid open as I rounded the corner.
"LOOK OUT BELOW!"  Dad shouted.
I watched him jump onto the back of a Cabal Legionary and drive his knife into its neck. The brute stumbled back towards the ledge and Cayde realized what was happening.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," he said panicking "THIS WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAAAAAN!"
They fell off the ledge.
"CAYDE!" Zwei shouted.
I ran to the ledge, only for Dad to rise into the air above me, using a Shank like a glider.
"Scratch that." He corrected "It's definitely the plan. Meet ya at the security hub."
I nodded and we went our separate ways.
"Go left!" Dad ordered over the comms "Left! Your other left!"
A pack of Thralls charged towards me, only to be peppered with energy rounds from my rifle. I could see the security hub ahead and after I cleared out all the nearby inmates, I went inside. Dad was standing next to the controls and tossed a wrench on the ground as I walked in.
"Oh, you missed a truly masterful performance." He sighed "All that's left is the coop-de-gracie."
He pulled a large lever and the room's inner workings groaned in protest.
"Dad?" I called nervously.
An eerie howl filled the room as Thralls began crawling through the inner workings of the station.
"The Hive are gunking up the works!" Cayde groaned "Get 'em outta here, will you?"
I reloaded Better Devils and got to work. After the first attempt, Dad caused two more waves to attack.
"Booting it up," he proclaimed "for real this time."
He pulled the lever down, but it went back up without doing anything. He started pulling it again and again before deciding to shoot the panel.
"And STAY DOWN!" He ordered "Tech support, with extreme prejudice. Well, everything's where it's supposed to be, but now it's asking for some kind of secondary activation? There should be a terminal you can use out on the catwalks. I'd go with you, but I heard this place has turrets, and I really wanna fire 'em."
"Just don't go overboard," I said.
I ran out of the room and onto the aforementioned catwalks.
"Ooh, the turrets have a manual mode." Dad pointed out "INNNteresting."
"Forget what I said." I corrected "Go nuts, old man."
I ran down the catwalk while Dad used the turrets to clear me a path. When I found the terminal, Zwei hacked into it and brought the security system back online.
"How's it looking PV?" I asked, "We good?"
"Yes, I'm accessing the lower levels now." She confirmed, "Just need to check a few things, then we can call it a day."
"So long as you're the one buying," Cayde commented.
I waited for a while, playing with Zwei to pass the time along until Petra suddenly called out to Dad in a panic.
"Cayde — he's gone." She screamed "This isn't a prison riot. It's a prison break!"
"He?" I repeated "He who? Who's he? PV? Dad?!"
"The airlock on Deck Zero!" Petra said, ignoring my questions "It's the only way out this far down. They're going to escape!"
"Not if I get there first," Dad muttered.
"WHO ARE THEY?!" I shouted, "Who's trying to escape?!"
My only response was the distant sound of gunshots, followed by a deep rumbling. I looked out the window and watched as Dad rode the security hub down the shaft before crashing into the ground in a massive explosion.
"DAD!" I yelled before sprinting out of the room and searching for a quick, less likely to kill me, way of getting to him.

*Cayde's POV*

*Jett's POV*
I felt like I got run over by a bus.  Some of the debris from the security hub must've crashed into the catwalk and made me fall.
"Glad you're back."  Zwei said, "We fell at least twenty stories, and I can't reach Cayde or Petra."
"Then let's go find 'em."  I groaned as I got to my feet.
That's when I noticed something next to my foot.  It was Ether, but it looked...wrong, somehow.  As I started walking, I checked Better Devil's cylinder and flipped it back into place when I saw it was full.  I ran around and eventually strolled into a large room with a broken piece of the security hub lying in the center.  A sewer grate banged loudly as it was thrown open and a figure crawled out.  It looked like a Vandal, but it was carrying a morning star instead of a rifle.  Before it could even shriek, I shot it in the head and its body crumpled to the floor.
"What was that?"  I asked as I jumped down the sewer pipe.
"These...things..." Zwei muttered, "they used to be Fallen."
"What do you think made them turn into...whatever they are?"
"I don't think they became this way willingly, someone did this to them."
I kept running, encountering more bizarre Fallen as I went.  After leaving what I guess was a maintenance room, I was hit with a blast of Light.
"No!"  Zwei gasped "Sundance...she's dead.  Without her, Cayde dies...We've gotta find him!"
I jumped down a hole in the floor and my boots struck dirt.  Directly ahead of me was an Ogre wailing on a large door.  But something was different about this one.  Maybe it was the winged helmet that was in place of his actual head or the lightning it fired from its hands, but who knows?  It took everything I had, but I eventually killed it and ran to the door.  Zwei opened it and we charged in.  I could see a gang of ginormous Fallen crowded together at the airlock door and a man casually walking over to join them.  I looked to my right...and everything went quiet.
"He didn't feel a thing."  Uldren chuckled as he mockingly brandished the Ace of Spades.
I raised my hand cannon as the door shut, then scrambled to Cayde's side.  I looked up and down his mangled body, not knowing what to do.  Tears welled in my eyes as he chuckled weakly.
"How's my hair?"  He asked jokingly.
"It looks, great Dad."  I sobbed "Don't worry, you're gonna be fine."
I pulled out Zwei and waited for him to heal my father.
"There's...nothing I can do."  He confessed, "I'm sorry."
"Jett."  Dad coughed "Jett, look at me."
I struggled to look him in the eyes but managed.
"This...This isn't on you, okay?"  He wheezed " what I get for...playing nice."
I tried to say something, ANYTHING, but my lips wouldn't move a second time.  All I could do was cry behind my helmet as I watched my father die in front of me.
"You tell Zavala and Ikora...the the best bet...I ever...lost."
The light in his eyes went out and to my shame, I started laughing.
"Come on Dad."  I laughed "That's not funny.  Dad, you have to get up.  You promised you'd be at my graduation.  You never break your promises, so get up already and let's go home."
Petra ran in and put her hand over her mouth as her tears started to hit the floor.  I picked Dad up and held him close, letting his head rest on my shoulder.
"The joke's not funny anymore Dad."  I sobbed as I gently shook him "Open your eyes already.  Lucas and Karly still want their own Sunshots and I know you got a few back in Old Russia.  Dad?"
He was silent.  Completely, and permanently, silent.  My breath caught in my throat for a second before I let it out in a cry of sheer agony.  I screamed, even when my lungs burned and my body ached, I didn't stop.

A/N: This is pretty much what it looks like, just imagine Jett in place of the girl

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A/N: This is pretty much what it looks like, just imagine Jett in place of the girl.  I actually teared up while I typed this.

*Petra's POV*
It feels horrible, losing someone you care about.  It's like having your heart ripped out of your chest and watching someone eat it right in front of you.  I couldn't bear Jett's screams anymore, so I put my hand on his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry Jett."  I sobbed "I—"
Something stung my palm and I pulled away.  I looked at him and my eyes went wide.  Light, raw Light, was rising off his body like smoke.  His eyes were completely white with a gold aura around them.
"It ends tonight."  He declared in a sea of voices "There will be no more loss.  The guilty that did this will get no mercy from me.  Salem...Savathûn...and Uldren Sov...will BURN."
There was a flash of light, and Jett was gone by the time I looked back.
"What was that?"  I shuddered.

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