Part 9 - End of the beginning (Act II)

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*Lucas' POV*
Yang and I stood on opposite sides of the arena and she giggled every few seconds, which was starting to annoy the crap out of me.
"Something funny?" I asked.
"I haven't seen Jett at all today."  She laughed "Guess he finally wised up and quit."
"Man, you are a total bitch sometimes, aren't you?  Jett got called away on a mission.  He'll be back soon."
She growled irritably and raised her fists as Port started the countdown.
"Three...Two...One...Fight!"  Port shouted.
We pulled our fists back and threw everything we had at each other, rattling the stadium with the shockwave. I quickly grabbed her arm and slammed my head into hers, causing the blonde to stumble backward. I went for a shoulder bash, but Yang jumped over me and landed a shot to my back with her gauntlets. She threw another, but I ducked and kicked her in the stomach. I spun onto my feet and closed the gap between us and swatted her arm to the side as she tried to shoot me. She tried a third time and I spun around and elbowed her in the jaw. I threw a punch, but Yang ducked and blasted me in the stomach, knocking me back a few feet. She took the opportunity to throw a series of blasts, all of which I avoided while advancing on her. When I was close enough, I jumped into the air and crashed into her with a flying punch...that she blocked easily.
'Jett wasn't kidding when he said she was strong.'  I thought.
Yang pushed me off her and I backflipped before jarring her teeth with an uppercut. Yang regained her stance mid-fall and landed in a sort of, "crouched-Naruto-sprint". The girl shot forward and started throwing one punch after another. I blocked whatever I couldn't dodge, but her last swing hit me square in the jaw and sent me flying. I spun around in the air and threw my shield into Yang's chest. The disc ricocheted back to me and I threw it again. After nearly ten hits, Yang stepped to her left and charged. My shield bounced off the barrier and flew back onto my arm just as the blonde threw a punch. What shocked me was that her fist went right through my weapon.
'Crap.'  I thought.
Her knuckles collided with my face and knocked me into the air, where Yang punched my stomach and slammed me to the ground.

*Karly's POV*
"Yang Xiao-Long is the winner!"  Oobleck cheered.
The crowd erupted with applause and I got out of my seat to meet up with Lucas when a single gunshot rang through the air.
"Dear God!"  Oobleck gasped.
I looked back and my eyes widened.  Lucas was on the ground while Yang was being surrounded by guards.  He wasn't moving and his head was in pieces.  I could see his lower jaw on the ground next to him while Jekyll frantically tried to revive him.  EMTs were trying to separate them, but they backed off after I blasted my way through the barrier. 
"Step away."  I ordered, "The robot knows what he's doing."
They did as I said and Jekyll continued to resurrect his Guardian.  But when he was finished, Lucas was still out cold.  I ordered the medics to get him to the dorms and watched as my best friend was carried away on a stretcher. Then I turned my attention to Yang.  My blood boiled with hate as I marched up to her and backhanded her across the face.
"What is wrong with you?!"  I screamed.
"Me?"  Yang shouted, "He's the one that attacked me!"
"Lucas would never lash out at anyone! And you didn't just injure him, you killed him!  Consider yourself lucky that Jekyll was around to bring him back."
"But he—"
"Shut up!  Just...just stay away from us."
I turned and left the arena.  I would've wasted her on the spot, but I figured Jett would want that honor. I still didn't understand why he hadn't turned her to ash yet. Instead, he just kept taking her insults and bullying without even getting the slightest bit upset. I muttered a few choice words that would even make Shaxx blush and walked into my dorm,  meeting the gaze of Lucas' still functioning right eye.
"Hey, big guy."  I said softly "How're you feeling?"
He tilted his hand left and right, then pointed to his missing jaw.
"So-so, huh?"  I translated "Well, don't worry. Yang's being disciplined right now, so you just rest."
He nodded and laid down. I stayed with him the whole night, only leaving to get food. I thought about Jett and how he was doing on his mission with Cayde.  Those two were so alike, it was almost scary how much trouble they could get into.  Some people thought they'd be the ones to finally make Zavala lose his cool, but nobody ever tested it. The last person that did never went back to the Crucible because of her newfound fear of Strikers.

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