Part 6 - Love and War

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*Jett's POV*
"Good, you're all here,"  Ozpin said, relieved.
"Why'd you call us?"  Lucas asked.
"We've been getting reports of non-human activity outside the kingdom.  Mountain Glenn to be precise."
"Grimm?"  I guessed.
"No.  This."
He placed his Scroll on his desk and a large hologram appeared behind us.

"He placed his Scroll on his desk and a large hologram appeared behind us

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"A Hydra?"  Karly said.
"It's Taken."  Lucas noted "But that's impossible.  Oryx is dead, so the Taken don't have a leader."
I turned to Ozpin.
"We'll head out tomorrow night."  I said, "But we'll need time to prepare."
He simply nodded and let us go.  The second the elevator doors closed, I turned to my team.
"What's our move?"  Lucas asked.
"Karly, contact Ikora and get everything you can on the Taken." I ordered "I want to know why they're still around and how they're on Remnant. Lucas, tell Zavala to position scouts around Vale.  We can't risk this spreading into the kingdom."
"On it."  Lucas complied.
"In the meantime, I'm going to look through some of Eris Morn's old logs.  Something about all this is rubbing me the wrong way."
We hurried back to our room and got to work.  Karly and Lucas spoke to their Vanguards while they packed, and I spoke to Zwei.
"What are we looking for?"  Zwei asked.
"Anything on the Hive gods."  I answered, "Especially ones that were close to Oryx in power or hierarchy."
"Hmm...let's see.  There's the Ahamkara. They were a race of beings that were similar to dragons from Golden Age fairy tales.  They granted wishes for people, even Guardians, but were wiped out when Zavala ordered their extermination.  There's something else.  Eris copied a series of ancient stories called The Books of Sorrow that were written by Oryx himself.  He mentions two other beings, but one stands out.  Savathûn."
"The Witch Queen of the Hive and Oryx's sister."
"Just how strong is she?"
"Nearly as powerful as Oryx.  Not someone to mess with."
"Kinda late for that, Ze.  Do you think she'll be mad about meeting the people that killed her brother and nephew?"
"A little bit, yes."
"Guess we'll find out soon enough."


"For the last time," I groaned "you can't come with me."
"Why not?" Ruby asked, "I can protect myself."
"Against Grimm. The Taken are nothing like them.  They don't just kill people, they bring them back as monsters. The only thing protecting me and the others from being corrupted is our Light. Without that, you're wide open."
"Do you know how long you'll be gone?"
"We should only be gone for a day or two."
"And you're sure you don't need any help?"
"We'll be fine, sis. Don't worry so much."
I ruffled her hair and threw my duffle bag over my shoulder before heading to the docks, where Karly and Lucas stood waiting next to our ships.
"What took you?" Karly asked.
"Ruby's been begging me nonstop to let her come with us." I explained, "We should go before she tries to sneak on board or something."
We climbed into our ships and flew towards Mountain Glenn.  The city lay at the base of the mountain. At least, what was left of it.  Buildings that at one time stood proudly were now falling apart from the years of neglect.  In a way, the city reminded me of my life before I became a Guardian.  I immediately pushed the memories into the back of my mind, not wanting to remember those times.
"Alright."  I debriefed "Mountain Glenn was Vale's failed attempt at expansion.  The residents were wiped out by Grimm, so expect heavy opposition.  While the Grimm are an issue, our main objective is the Taken. Ozpin and Zavala have ordered for a complete sweep of the city, plus additional information about how the Taken got here. Sync?"
"Sync." Lucas and Karly repeated.
We flew close to the ground and jumped out of our ships, then called in our Sparrows.

A Light in the Endless Abyss (Abused & neglected gunslinger OC x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now