Types of Pet humans

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Domestic humans
While many are tempted to call these humans domesticated, that is not the case. Domestic humans are any human that has been bred in captivity. They are often very obedient and well behaved, with little trouble living in households.

While domestic humans have no fear of dog-men, they often don't bond with them as well as expected. They will be friendly to all dog-men, but wont defend or truly bond with them.

While these humans get along fine with each other, they often don't get along well with Wild or tamed humans. Domestic humans often don't follow the strict body-language and manners of these humans, resulting in miscommunication. Cases of ganging up and cliques are frequently reported when groups of both are kept in the same space.

Wild humans
Wild humans, or untamed humans, are humans that have been taken from the wild, but not tamed as a pet. They are often skittish or aggressive, based on personality type. They tend to hate dog-men, try to escape, and occasionally hurt themselves doing so.

As the name applies, they aren't tame. There are a few rare cases of select individuals forming shaky bonds with dog-men, but this bond is easily broken, often accidentally.

Wild humans tend to have a disdain for both tamed and domestic humans. The end up reclused, sometimes even attempting to turn a tamed human against their owners.

Tamed humans
Tamed, or Wild tamed, humans are wild humans that have been tamed to be suitable as pets. They are often unaggresive, though they have several behavioral problems similar to those of wild humans. They require more patience than that needed for a domestic human, but their owners often insist they are preferable over their captive bred counterparts.

Tamed humans often form powerful bonds with their owners which are difficult to break. There have been several cases of tamed humans risking their lives for their dog-men. They can be skittish at times, but a patient owner can turn them into a wonderful pet.

They are the most understanding towards domestic humans, though they are still often frustrated by the miscommunication. They often avoid wild humans, who ridicule them for accepting captivity and enjoying the lifestyle.

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