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There are multiple kinds of restraints used in the care of pet humans. They call under three categories: electronic, leash, and tethered. This chapter will review the different kinds.

Leash restraints
These are the most frequently used restraints. There are several kinds: single wrist, double wrist, harness, and neck.

Single wrist
These are the most popular of the leashed restraints. They comprise of a single collar on one wrist of the human. They are preferred because they are similar to the method used by mothers to lead their children. There is no risk of strangulation with this method. It allows the human a good range of motion while still keeping them contained.

Double wrist
This is popular with owners of very disobedient humans. The wrists are connected with a band, and the leash is attached. There is still no risk of strangulation, and it prevents any violent outbursts of attempts to grab things. It isn't recommended for tethering or for taking humans on walks, it should only be used to transport unruly humans from place to place, such as vet visits.

Those who use harnesses swear by them. They allow the human free use of both hands while still keeping them contained without risk of strangulation. They come in two styles, front leashed and back leashed. It is important for owners to determine what position their individual human likes to walk in.

This guide doesn't suggest this form of restrain for any human. An unruly human could struggle and choke itself, and a well behaved one may become spooked and run from a perceived threat, choking themself. The purpose of any restraint is to prevent a human from running away, and these will choke your human if they try to escape.

Tethered restraints
These restraints are commonly used to hold a human in one place, usually in a location where supervision is not possible. The proper restraint is determined by what the human will be tethered to. Wrist restraints are used when the tether point is high up, and Ankle restraints are used when the human is tethered to the floor. Neck restraints are never recommended, even in this situation. Humans choke far too easily for neck restraints to be used in any situation.

Electronic restraints
There are two commonly used kinds of electronic restraints, Shocking and Sonic.

Sonic restraints are the only widely approved kind of electronic restraint. A specific area is programmed into the bracelet. If the human leaves the assigned area, the device will emit an incredibly loud noise, alerting their dog-man that they are out of the area. Tame humans will usually reenter the property, as they don't intend to escape. Untame humans will most likely attempt to run. The noise will continue to sound off until the human is returned to the area or the dog-man disables it via the included tablet or remote.

These are not recommended, and are illegal on most planets. When the human steps outside a designated area, they will be given a powerful shock. These devices are painful, and often affixed to a leg, the pulse disabling the leg and making it impossible to walk. supporters of the device insist that it only needs to be used once and the human will not try to escape again as long as the device is on, but that doesn't make it less cruel. Humans often become terrified of the device, fighting to stay on property even when their owner is taking them for a walk or to go to the vet.

Published 11/15/18

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