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Most new human owners come across a common, infuriating question; "don't they bite?" . This fear is so common that you can buy muzzles, gags, and face masks at general pet stores, not just stores specializing in humans.

Let me see the record straight; yes, humans can bite. Before you grab your torches and pitchforks, anything with a mouth can bite. You can be bit by humans, children, other dog-men, horses, and pretty much anything under the sun. It is the propensity to bite that you should concern yourself with.

So, are humans likely to bite? Not really! Humans are one of the last species that would bite you. Even when they do bite, their new strength is weak. A human bite can hardly break their own fragile, thin skin, let alone break a dog-man's skin. There are a few reasons a human may bite:

Young humans may bite when frustrated.
Yep. Those small, adorable little children, running around and giggling, are the most likely to bite. No one is quite sure why children bite more than adults, but it is the case. Some domestic humans, if not raised by their birth parents, may continue to bite until adulthood, especially if it gets a reaction from their owners.

Putting your hand too close to a scared human's mouth.
When humans are scared, they act on instincts. This is when they are most likely to run or attack a dog-man. They generally don't mean to hurt the dog-man in these instances, often times acting embarrassed or ashamed for their actions. If you must handle your human under the influence of adrenaline, you may receive a bite. This is done when the human finds conventional methods of defence, such as running or hitting, unusable. It is also imperative not to place your hands near their mouth, as they may instinctively bite your hand. 

Mental disorders
Some mental disorders may cause extreme anger, limiting their ability to reason and making them bite you. It is important to always know of any mental or physical disorders your human may have so you can prepare for these sorts of events.

You generally don't have anything to worry about when It comes to your human biting. even if a turn of events leaves you with a bite, it most likely won't even hurt. Leave the muzzles and face masks to the uninformed!

Published by 11/10/18

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