Grooming behaviors

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All tamed humans have set grooming habits, which should generally be followed.

Female humans generally have a more complete grooming schedule than the males, though it is recommended that theirs slowly be simplified for ease of care. Females generally prefer longer hair, so it is more expensive to keep them groomed properly. Hair should be brushed multiple times a day, as well as any time it becomes tangled. It should be shampooed and conditioned every other day. Some recommend daily, as this is the general norm on earth, but research has concluded that every other day is required to allow the hair to regain natural oils and softness.

Skin should be free of dirt and excessive oil, and have a soft feel and appearance. Humans have a very thin coat of hair over their entire body. It is recommended to shave underarms for females. Wild females may prefer to have their legs shaved as well, but this is not necessary for hygiene reasons.

Male humans are generally far less concerned about their appearance. Their hair is usually shorter, so it requires much less maintenance. They don't like having their underarms shaved, though some owners will do this anyways to prevent any excessive odor. Body hair is thicker on arms, chest, and legs. Their bathing and deodorizing requirements are other wise identical to female humans.

It is often recommended to give humans access to a mirror. They enjoy checking their appearance in mirrors.

Unlike dog-men, the hair on a human's head never stops growing. It needs to be cut to a manageable length every few months by a groomer. The hair on their body stops growing, however.

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