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Todoroki POV

My eyes open and instantly get burnt by the luminescence of the clock beside my bed. The clock reads 2:13 am.

Why did I wake up? My mind wanders and draws it towards my arm. 30 erratically places scars look back at me, some more prominent than others. I sneer at my arm and put it down, looking towards the ceiling for another distraction or train of thought.

I've been attending UA for 3 months now, but nothing has changed. I'm still forced to work by a father that has no love for me, and a mother who hates me. She left because of me.

She hates you

You're useless

You will never be good enough

No one loves you

The voices are loud. Louder than they've been before. I'm listening and wondering about what life would be like if I was finally free.

Just die already

No one will miss you

It's so easy

You'll finally be free

Before I know it I'm reaching for my razor blade. A quick slice and the flesh is split open, the slight burn I've become accustomed to follows. Beads of blood forming.

I'm so empty inside. All the time. I'm so weak for relying on a fucking blade for emotion. Feeling anything at all becomes so tiresome.

There's creaking on the floor outside. Just the thought of someone coming in sends shivers through my spine and increases my heart rate, but if I move it'll be more obvious I'm awake. My arm is getting colder.

The weight and movement of the footsteps sound like my father's. I can ready feel the anger boiling, the fire starting to take shape along my arm, the smoke invading my lungs as I try to put it out.

I reach for the blade again. Calm the fuck down. Another cut. Another. I'm at 5 now.

I raise my arm to my mouth and lick away the excess blood, the sour metallic taste dances on my tongue.

My alarm beeps. I've been awake for a while. I cleanse the wounds and bandage my arm up whilst getting dressed for school. I glance in the mirror before heading out. I've got dark bags under my eyes and I'm extremely pale. On my cheek lies a blue and green bruise slowly healing. I stare at my face for only a few seconds before walking out the door.

Midoriya's POV

I'm glancing in the mirror at my battered and bruised body. I've been blacking out a lot lately, probably because of the frequent loss of blood and lack of food in my system. It could also be because of training UA, I just wish they'd heal ready. I keep falling down and injuring myself in some way. I'm fine with it. I'm not that bothered with it anyway, the pain is comforting in a sense.

Stupid Deku

You're disgusting

You look like a sickly skeleton

No one cares about you

Just die already

You're a nobody

Just die already

Just die already

The words ringing in my ears. I can't focus on anything, I'm already feel dizzy again. Visions of black nothingness and images of my bruised body flash through my mind. I'm covering my ears screaming for help. The voices are too loud. But no one can hear me. No one ever does. No one cares. Falling to the floor and fast and choke for air, nkthkmg is going in, I can't breathe. I'm trying but nothing is entering my my lungs. I feel as if I'm choking and can't focus on anything happening around me.

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