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Todoroki POV

I left his house after he asked if I was self harming. I knew he knew. But I think he just wanted me to admit it. I wanted more that anything to go back to him, and cry on his shoulders about how fucked my life is but..it's hard. And I can't have him stressing about me.

Midoriya POV

The next morning I waited for Todoroki so we could talk. But he never showed. Not here, not at school, he never even payed me a visit at night like he usually does. He never replied to my calls or messages. It's like her never even existed.

I started getting worried and I felt the urge. To cut myself again. But I can't, not if I want to help Todoroki. So instead I left the house, with my wallet, keys and phone. I decided to go to the supermarket, to buy another manga. As I was looking around the store to find the manga section, I heard crying in one of the food isles. I walked towards the barely audible noise and found a girl with white and red hair on the floor, crying into her lap.

"...Fuyumi?" I recognised her from the 1 time I visited Todoroki. She raised her head, still sniffling.

"Oh!... Midoriya?" She wiped away her tears and players on a fake smile as I sat on the floor with her.

"Is everything okay? Her eyes fell to the floor again. She paused.

"Y-yes, everything is fine." She glanced back at me again and I gave her a stern look.

"You know you can tell me anything, I know we don't really know each other but we both love Shoto unconditionally."

I heard her breath hitch, as I guessed she was going to start crying again. I lay her head on my shoulder and she started crying into it.

"It's...just...Endea ...vour....treats...Shoto...so... horribly" she said quietly in-between sobs. I gently rubbed her back.

"Please tell me if anything is endangering Shoto's life okay? I know you care and I'm really worried about him..." I trailed off my eyes meeting a crumb on the floor.

Fuyumi lifted her head on my shoulder and our eyes met.

"Okay." She said, still teary eyed.

Todoroki POV

Today was the worst day of my life. I woke up and headed downstairs, I silently went over to the fridge, trying to be as discrete as possible. But it's hard to hide from parents in your own home.

"Shoto." My 'father' said my name in a cold and harmful voice.

"You no longer have the right to call me Shoto." I slowly turned around shaking in fear of what he might do but at this point I didn't care. I had nothing to live for anymore. "Only people I care about call me Shoto, and when you hurt someone I care about dearly you are no longer considered someone I care about, let alone someone who thinks they can use my first name."

I allowed my tone to get colder as I spoke. I knew it would provoke my father. I could see the anger burning in his eyes.

"Why you little-" he cut himself off by hitting me Square in the face. I landed on the hard wooden floor, pain stinging my face and shooting through my wrists. I glared at my father. I didn't care what happened to me anymore. I just wanted him to know that I despised his very existence.

"You're more worthless than the villains! The piece of scum that you are!" I could see him get even angrier, if that's possible.

"I LOVE IZUKU MIDORIYA AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT THAT YOU FUCKING SHIT HEAD!" my father never allowed me to use profanity in the house. But I didn't care anymore.

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