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Midoriya POV

I stood up and started walking away, a gave Todoroki a smile, no emotion behind it. He didn't question about who was on the phone, my guess was that he heard the entire call. After all, with that last glance, I could see the worry in his eyes. But what does it matter? We're going to commit a double suicide anyway.

°•°•°Time Skip•°•°•

I started thinking about how we were going to do it and when. Only thoughts of death were on my mind. This truly was the last thing that broke my spirit.

With my body on autopilot, I didn't even realise I had reached the police station until a detective was calling my name.


"Y-yes? Um.." I scratched the back of my neck smiling awkwardly "I'm sorry, guess my thoughts are a bit scattered heh."

"Sure, uhhh.." he glanced down at my shirt. And shit me a questionably nervous glance. Confused, I looked down too.

"OH! UMM SEE, THIS IS MY BOYFRIENDS, HE WAS ATTACKED BY HIS FATHER AND HAS BEEN IN THE HOSPITAL FOR 3 DAYS, I HAVEN'T LEFT THE HOSPITAL OR CHANGED SINCE THEN HEH." I realised I just shouted that whole sentence, people were looking at me and at the massive blood stain on my blue denim shirt. God, I really should've changed before I came. Thinking to myself again, spacing out. Walking into the interrogation room, I sat down.

"Please get this young man a clean shirt." Then he glanced at me.

"We will also need a sample to test if it is actually your boyfriend's blood, and not your mother's."

Then it sunk in.

She's dead

It's your fault

You weren't there to protect her

You promised to and you broke it

She's dead because of you

Your fault

Your fault

She's gone

The voices were back. I had no one to comfort me, just these cold concrete walls, this metal chair and a detective who suspects me for her murder sitting across from me.

My eyes started stinging, it was painful, I could tell I was going to cry but I tried to keep the tears locked away. My eyes becoming glossy.

I removed the shirt and was given a baggy white one by one of the police officers. They handled my bloodied one with gloves and placed it into a bag.

"Now...where were you two nights ago at 7pm?" He said in a cold voice.

"Uhm." My voice broke "i-i was in the hospital with my boyfriend, I think he was in a surgery at that point...? I was with his older sister Fuyumi." I could feel a few tears sprout from my eyes as he handed me a tissue box. I still tried to keep my composure.

"Alright then, do you have any idea of who would want to kill your mother?" more tears sprout from my eyes. I'm not in denial about my situation I just..it's hard to believe. That I'll never see her again, never smell her cooking when I come from school, never feel her again, never feel that warm embrace. it was all taken from me.


"Oh! Yes, sorry, guess I keep spacing out....but no, I don't have any idea who would do this to my mother."

"Did she ever have any enemies? Anyone who would want to hurt her..?" he gives me a pitiful expression, waiting for my response.

"N-no! She was never that type of person, she was loved by everyone! Why did she die!? She never deserved to!? It should've been me!!" I'm surprised at my raise invoice, I'm shaking all over and crying my eyes out, I lover my head and cover my face with my hands, wiping away my tears with the tissues provided.

Todoroki POV

I'm thinking about that conversation I heard Izuku having with that police officer on the phone, I hope he's okay. then something hits me.


"I'll kill Midoriya."

~End Of Flashback~

it all makes sense now. even in my pained state, I could still hear what my father said..that means.

I pick up my phone from the table that Fuyumi brought over yesterday and dial Midoriya's number.

"H-hello?" his voice is hoarse, it sounds like he was crying.

"Midoriya! I think I know who killed your mother!!"

"What?! A-are you sure?!"

"Yes! Tell the detective to come to the hospital, we need to talk."

"Will do, um, thank you Sho. I love you."

"I love you too Izu~"

I wait for Izu and the detective to arrive so I can give them all the details. One they arrived and I explained the situation, the detective agreed that it could've been my father.

"Given the fact that Endeavour wanted to kill Midoriya, he most likely went to his house but didn't find him there. But did find Inko."

I took my eyes off the detective and looked back towards Izuku. He looked on the verge of tears.

"I-I um, have to go.. I'll see you later Sho."

He sounded quite desperate in that moment, I hope he's okay. I wonder what he's thinking.

Midoriya POV

Talking to the detective about my dead mother only made me freakout more. For the first time in months, I feel the urge. I long for the endorphins that get released when that blade slices through my skin. The way it glides and as blood escapes the surface. I thought I was better. I started thinking about how I want to be better. No more harm. I can't stay here. So I leave.

So here I am sitting on my doorstep. Afraid to go inside. But I know that the blades are in there. No, you don't want to harm yourself, life is more prescious. But who am I kidding? I'm just lying to myself. Like I have been for the past months. I get up and open the door with a shaky hand. The smell of bleach plagues my nostrils. I can no longer smell my mother's sweet scent. I race upstairs into the bathroom and grab a blade. I want to Diem right here. Right now. But I can't, I'm supposed to die with Shoto. So I hold off. Only making a few scratches.

3 months later

It's been a while. Todoroki is fully healed and we made plans to die together 9 days from now. On the 7 month anniversary of which we started dating. I'm super excited for it. My mind is trailing off again. I always seem to have death on my mind.


I jolted in my seat and see Aizawa glaring at me. Ever since that day with my mum, I've been spacing out, having panic attacks and going into deep depressive episodes. But Todoroki's always there to save me. And for that I'm thankful.

1145 words.


There will be like 1-2 more chapters sorry :/
All good things must come to an end.



If I make any mistakes...idc I'll probably proof read it in like a few days so meh. Byeeeee

Release 26/11/18

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