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So, if you've read my Villain Deku book, you'll know what this is, but I felt this would be appropriate here,,,,,,as it was kind of my alternative for this book if Deku didn't die during battle.

So to celebrate 1 year (and 4 days) since I uploaded this. (Holy fuCKING SHIT)

here is my mindless writing memory thing :D


Kill him

It's the only option

You can't be happy if they kill you

The voices plagued Izuku's mind. He couldn't escape. There was no barrier between him and the demon that resided inside him.

Drowning in the secrets he held walking down an empty dark corridor murderous screams bounced off the concrete walls showcasing images of everything he has ever done.

Falling further and further down the hole. His innocence dead.


Noise. White noise. He couldn't hear anything but the static of his mind slowly driving him insane. There was a war waging inside. The most dangerous place is his mind.

But there was an escape. A flicker if reality, a bright light shining through the cracks.

He heard his name. A voice. A voice he knew. A voice he could find comfort in.


That one name. He knew it.

His lids split open, the glue that were his tears breaking free. Bright green orbs shone in the light that was the sun. Or so he thought.

He was moving. Running. Fast. Faster than he thought was ever possible. The dullness that took over his mind was clear. Fog drifting away. And yet he was still prisoner in his own mind.

All he saw was death and destruction.

The vessel he was trapped in froze. His true self was breaking through, but not before he saw the sight In front of him.

The black concrete floor was cracked and broken, damaged by ferocious and murderous intent that was Midoriya's fists.

Classmates crushed one by one. Blood swimming through the fractures in the floor, still fresh and warm.

Bakugou. Finally still. Legs and arms contorted. A memory violently fought through his mind.

"Deku! What are you doing! Listen to me!"

Izuku's mind was broken and far away. A feral look present in his eyes, a sadistic grin plastered on his face.

"Oh Kacchan~ your time has come~" a small giggle broke through his lips as he lunged forwards towards his friend.

Grabbing his legs and bending them in ways that weren't possible. The crunch and snap were amusing to him, as were the terrifying screams of pain that ripped through Bakugou's mouth, burning his throat, scratching at his vocal chords. Midoriya held his foot firmly on his back, pressing harder as Bakugou screamed louder and wailed. Midoriya crushed his spine and in one final movement shattered both of his arms, before disposing of him. Throwing the boy like nothing, cracking his skull on a brick wall until he bled out and died.

Izuku's eyes glossed over. Visibly glassy as he sauntered over silently to Bakugou's lifeless body. His hand trembled and choked sobs came from his mouth as he gently leaned to touch his friend. Warm and salty tears falling from his face as he brushed the soft ashy blonde hair out of his face, now matted by dry blood.

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