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Todoroki POV

When I got to Izuku's house I pulled down my sleeves making sure they were covering my cuts, and knocked on the door. He opened it, my smile blinding. I haven't seen him that happy in a while. He beckoned me to come inside and he grabbed my suitcase and ran upstairs, I was then greeted by his mother.

"..H-hi Ms Midoriya, I wanted to thank you for letting me stay he-" I was cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around me.

"It's no problem love, stay here as long as you like, and call me Inko!" She spoke in such a soft tone, I hummed in response to her request. She was very warm and comforting. When broke away I subconsciously smiled, and she did the same.

"Shoto!" Izuku yelled from upstairs, I nodded at Inko and walked into Izuku's room.

The first thing I saw was a load of all might posters, figurines and blankets. I stood there in the doorway my mouth agape.

"Hehe, I really like All Might." Izuku was blushing madly and I giggled.

"It's not funny!" He somehow became more red.

"You...look like a...strawberry" I giggled again and went towards him.

"Strawberry?!" He looked frustrated but I just grabbed him and held him. He rested his head on my chest and his face was really warm. I liked this. Us just hugging. In silence. It wasn't awkward, but it was comfortable.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Hm?" Izuku broke his head away looking me in the eyes, his arms still around my waist. He looked puzzled.

"How are you? Really?"

Midoriya POV

Those words took me by surprise. I gulped heavily as a metallic taste danced around in my mouth. I stood away from him and shrugged. Then I coughed. Hard. I covered my hand with my mouth and took it away. Blood. On my hand. I gripped my throat, it really burned. I coughed again, more blood escaping my mouth. Todoroki looked terrified. Suddenly it became hard to breathe, I started sweating profusely and lost my balance.


Todoroki managed to catch me as I was gripping my chest. It was so painful to breathe. It was rapid and shallow. I could feel sweat trickling down the side of my face as I lay shaking in Todoroki's arms.

Todoroki POV

"IZUKU ARE YOU OKAY?" He wasn't responding but he was still conscious. I put the back of my hand on his forehead, he had a really high fever. His breathing was shallow and raspy, I know that this wasn't a panic attack.


I was staring at him in my arms, there was blood in his hand and a little but on his lips...was this because of his bulimia? Tears pricked from my eyes chasing them to burn but before long they were streaming down my face.

You can't save him

This is all your fault

You're the reason he's in pain

You're the cause of all his pain

The voices were getting in. But Inko came in the room and gasped as she saw Izuku lying in my arms. I looked at her with my wet face as she fumbled for her phone. She ran over to him and called an ambulance. The next few hours were agonizing.

~at the hospital~

They told us that he had a ruptured oesophagus. If the tears were any bigger they would have to remove the oesophagus and use the small intestine as a throat, but thankfully they only needed to repair some of it. I choked on my own breath.

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