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Todoroki POV

I wake up in a cold sweat. I feel like I'm going to cry. I reach out beside me to find my bed empty. I try calling out for Midoriya but my throat is dry. I remember why I feel this way. I'm no longer in his room. I'm in my own house. I feel the urge.

The events from yesterday play through my mind.

Me hanging out with Izuku after school

My dad texting me to come home

Him confronting me. About looking towards certain LGBT heroes or accounts on social media. Fucking useless asshole.

My head is pounding.


"Are you one of those faggots?!"

He grabs me by the shoulders but I stay silent. I know what's coming so I let it happen to me. I get thrown across the room and hit the stair banister. I hear cracks and I'm in pain but I make no noise. I don't even flinch. I'm still laying on the floor and he comes towards me. Punching. Kicking. It goes on for hours until he gets bored.

~End of flashback~

Afterwards I stare in the mirror at the aftermath. Most likely a broken rib. Plenty of bruises and cuts. I make my way to my bed, and wince, as it's only 3am. Even though I'm already in pain, I feel I need to cause more. So I look towards my bed side and opened my drawer and I examine its contents. A packet of razor blades, anti septic wipes, cotton all hidden under a few books. I'm feeling really desperate now and my heart rate increases. I need that blade. I think to myself. I need the sharp edge to slice my skin and give me some other pain I need it. I crave it. I'm fumbling around in my drawer and I grab the box of razors. My hands are shaking as I'm trying to shake one out of the box and they scatter all over the floor. "..shit" I mumbled to myself. I get out of bed and prick my fingers on the blades as I'm trying to get them back in the box. I grip one and sit on the cold wooden floor. I stare at my arm as I make another cut. Cut after cut I stare at the blood. Starting to feel drowsy I clean and bandage the wound and head back to sleep.

I then wake up a few hours later. It's only Saturday. I lay in bed awake unable to get back asleep when I get a notification on my phone.

Izu ♥: Hey babe ♡(。- ω -)

Shoto: Hey

It's so cute how Izuku uses those faces.

Izu ♥: Wanna hang out later? (⌒▽⌒)♡

Shoto: I don't think I can

Izu ♥: Why?!。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。

Shoto: My father is forbidding me of seeing you again. He found out.

Izu ♥: Found out what? (-_-;)・・・

Shoto: That I'm gay.

Izu ♥: Oh. Well, if it's bad, how about you stay here? My mum won't mind ☆ ~('▽^人)

Shoto: Are you sure?

Izu ♥: Of course!! (≧▽≦)

Shoto: Okay then, I'll be there in 20 minutes.

Izu ♥: Can't wait!! ٩(♡ε♡)۶

I immediately started packing clothes and other necessities that I would need. I made sure to wear long sleeves so Izu wouldn't see my new marks. I was ready to head out the door but my father stopped me in my tracks.

"Where do you think you're going? You've got training to do!" He spat at me.

"Move Endeavour."


He raised his hand to slap me but I froze it.

"You. Are no father"

I silently said. Gritting my teeth in anger. Loud enough for him to hear me. I walked out the door, got into my car and drove to Izuku's house.

630 words

Hey guys!! Sorry this chapter is really short! I just really wanted to update, but the next one will be longer! Thanks!

-E ^.^

Release 17/11/18

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