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Liana's POV

"FUCK" I roared, as my coffee mug smashed on my foot. I grabbed my foot and ,in my short pink nightgown and silk dressing gown, began hopping around. "Goddamit" I hissed angrily.

I was getting tired of dropping shit in the morning. I huffed and lowered my foot back to the floor and attempted to clean the spilt coffee but, as painful as it was. The cup survived due to its drop into my foot. I scowled at the cup. It was 4 in the morning and I Liana Martins was ready to murder. I hate mornings. I especially hate when work late and only get 30 minutes of sleep.

Frowning at the red mark on my foot, I shrugged and finished cleaning only changing my expression once the work was complete. In this moment life hated me. Less sleep meant less energy which meant less control over... my head shot up and the bang on my door.

Rude bastard. You were in the middle of a thought. Trudging to the door, forgetting my mostly skimpy nightwear, I answered the door. It better be good for a 4 in the morning knock at the door.

Let's just say it was far from what I was expecting. There at my door stood a dirty, muddy, sexy as all hell man with a odd metal arm. I spoke the first words out of my mouth.


His response was.
"Help me " in his husky voice before collapsing on the floor in pure exhaustion.  

I frowned again. Couldn't his sexy self fall inside the door so he could sleep it off without me having to carry him ?

Oh wishes dont come true. You tapped your chin thoughtfully before attempting to drag muscle man further into your apartment. Oh boy this could be fun...

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