chapter 5

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Six feet under - Billie Eilish

Liana's POV

True to his word. Moments later a still wet Bucky approached me with a pocket knife. I had switched the water off but had not gotten out of my wet clothes. The tension was thick and we both couldn't keep the lust out of our eyes.

"Ugrrhm, you, uh, have to cut my hair I cant do it with a knife" ok so i was speaking pure bullshit but i wasnt lieing fully. My body trembled and i barely held onto what was left of my control.

He nodded gulping. Then I froze. He would see the scars. I swallowed. Well he would find out sooner or later. I stripped down to my pants and bra. I heard him inhale. I looked at his face and wanted to dress again and hide.

I turned around and made sure my long hair was ready to be sliced off. It was wet but short hair was one step to further hiding. I jumped when I felt fingers trace a large scar across my back. I flinched. That one held the most pain. Emotionally and physically. That one was... the breaking point. A memory I couldn't block out no matter how hard I tried.

"What happened to you?" He asked. I heard no pity or sadness... just curiosity. It was a nice change.

"My mom hated me. I was the kid she didnt want. Plus I was a freak" i answered vaguely. He took my hair and parted it into 4 parts. "A freak?" He asked.

"Yea I was given a very distinct sixth sense sort of like a psychic but it's more like a voice in my head that tells me what to do when I'm in trouble... I only developed it after but yeah I'm weird"  finally revealed. I felt him nod. "I understand it a bit better now. I guess it was a good idea to just follow you around then" he tried to joke. I snorted and shook my head. Then the first clump of hair fell. I looked at it sadly. I had always prides myself in my long curly hair. That wont be the case anymore.

I was cold ,shivering and opening cans of worms that I havent had to open in years. I felt the tear fall before I could stop it and with a watery smile continued to talk.

"My uh mom" I spat the word with disdain " hated me. Her high school sweetheart got her pregnant and left her. She had to leave all her dreams behind when he left. So she took her anger out on me. Since I could remember... she loved using belts on me. Wooden spoons broke in that house like no tommorow... usually over my legs. Then when I turned sixteen I wanted to uh fight back. She began to throw things at me. One of them an old antique vase that I had gotten her for her birthday. I had turned to avoid getting hurt. It broke on my head. When I woke up my mother was hitting me with her favorite tool. She was yelling and screaming. I just remembered the agonizing pain. I couldn't breathe. I could hear myself screaming but I couldnt move. I remember feeling my Jean's get wet. I knew it was blood. I still couldnt move. She kept hitting me until she passed out. I felt glued to the floor. Tears wouldn't stop flowing. Neither would the blood. I could feel I was starting to go in and out of this dark place. That's when the voice appeared. It practically forced me to get to a phone and call for help. Ever since that day I just had good old freddy in my head" I was still crying but I let out a chuckle. I felt at that moment that the man behind me was frozen.

I slowly turned to face him. His head was tilted and he regarded me carefully. Then lifted his shirt over his head and showed me his smooth torso. His body had almost more scars than mine. Until my eyes saw his shoulder. I felt myself grow sad. Knowing his pain would have been the type you beg for death in.

"We all have marks just learn to make something of them instead of hurt from them. Someone told me that once. I cant remember her face or name but I can hear her saying it to me. Not the point but it is true. Your the way your supposed to be" he spoke nonchalantly. I smiled at him through my watery eyes.

"Agreed" a new connection was developed in that moment and I knew I cared for the man in front of me more than I would care to admit

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