chapter 9

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AN: the chapter would have had a the name haunted but I realised I had gone with numbers. But thought I'd let you know to give you an idea of this chapter.

Read on....

Liana's  pov

We were now in Mexico. I know drastic jump. Basically we drove and drove and drove oh and drove. We stopped only to sort of.... uhm borrow some gas and food from the stores. We didn't stop for anything else then we got to the border of Mexico and Bucky just basically ripped his way through with me apologising to anyone he hurt.

Well they weren't bad guys so I had to apologise. I could hear Bucky chuckle at my odd habit. Once we were across is was anouther car chase with us in an old chevy. Bullets and shouting and the winter soldier as calm as sloth just cruising his way..... away from the police that is. He seemed to know where he was going. There was kids on the roads playing and when we reached a very remote destination not far from Merida. There was thick forests around the only road in. Stopping on the side of the road we were forced to ditch the car and carry what we had on foot. To where I wasn't sure until a small wooden cabin came into view.

From the looks of it, it had been abandoned for a very long time. The plants had begun to take over and mos covered the wood. When Bucky pushed on the door, it basically dropped to the ground. When inside I stared wide eyed. The entire inside was dusty and looked worse than a building about to be demolished.

I noticed there was two old couches and an arm chair. With a fire place and the small living room area led to a tiny pitched with cupboard doors either falling off or already on the floor. I grimaced as we walked in and the floor boards grained almost as if to snap. There where two door on either side of the ruined kitchen. I opened one and immediately regretted it as the smell of sewerage and other uhh smells were rancid. I shut the door and found Bucky looking at me questioningly. Shaking my head almost flying away from the door and the smell impressioned in my brain.

The next door led to a bedroom or what was left of it. The best frame had given out and the weight of it had crashed through the floor boards. But as if I hadn't had enough scares a damn long ass snake decided to say hello. So there is me up in the air onto the unaware Bucky, wrapping around him squealing. He caught me and looked for the threat. Upon seeing the snake he put me down behind him and I watched the snake come closer which led to yet another squeal.

"Buck I am deathly afraid of snakes. Please" I was near hysterics. Bucky chuckled and put me down behind him and walked towards the room slowly. The snake stopped and looked tense. My breathing pretty much stopped. He closed the door swiftly and all I saw was the snake lunge and as the door closed we heard a thump.

I whimpered. Bucky turned to me with a lazy smirk and I just pouted at him angrily. He still just smirked and walked past me. The reset of the day was spent cleaning up the small cabin and a fire place I hadn't noticed in front of the couches next to the door leading in. The smell of moss and damp was heavy. Somehow we found a few half broken cleaning tools. Meaning a broom that was snapped in half and a very gross rag and ironically a half bottle of bleach. I went on a small cleaning spree with what I had and as Bucky showed me a bore hole outside with water. Bucky tried to fix the water system.

There were no electronics which worked with the low profile idea. By the time night had fallen, the couches had been sort of cleaned. The floors were clean well rather swept and the kitchen had been bleached. Bucky had begun building a fire with the broken cabinets and some fire wood left outside the cabin. So the couches could dry quicker. I had unpacked the bit of food we had brought with and found an old pot in one of the kitchen cabinets and managed to bleach clean it. I remeber the grimace on my face at the muck that had come off the pot. And Bucky had it now while boiling the bore hole water on the fire and creating a almost sive for the water. I pulled out a flask we had picked up from one of the campers before the whole shower debacle. I felt my face pinch at the thought.

Had I seemed needy? Shaking my head I watched Bucky pour the water into the sive into the flask and I pulled out some ramen noodles. Supper would be noodles.

He looked at the noodles with a confused expression. "What is that ?" He asked. Grinning I replied "noodles" he just grunted and walked to to fire putting a few more logs on the fire.


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