chapter 2

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Liana's POV

I grunted as I felt my head pound and my body get bounced around. I opened my eyes and found myself looking at the back of a car seat. My eyes widened in panic and I opened my mouth to speak when I found my mouth was stuck. Taped shut. I glared at the metal arm the could be seen moving the gear stick. I slowly got myself up into a sitting position, seeing as my hand were taped behind my back and so where my feet tapped  but what startled me was my change of clothes.

I now sat in jeans, a red tank top and sneakers. There was my travel bag on the floor and a silent metal armed sergeant, regarding me carefully, in one car. Not my car.

I tried to speak again and found I still was taped up. I frowned. I wanted to comment. I glared at him through the mirror he kept looking at me through.

I finally looked out the window and felt my eyes widen in shock. 'We are far from home toto' I thought to myself. I watched as we went around a bend on a road and close by  was clear blue water... with large waves that  beat against its shores. We are near a cost I summarized. How long was I out? I grimaced. The car pulled over to the side of the road and Barnes turned to face me. "I'm gonna take it off" his husky voice made me roll my eyes. Damn my minds in the gutter again.

I followed his movements as he ripped the tape off. "Ow. Thanks for the free wax dumbass" I hissed once my lips where free from thier sticky prison. He frowned again and kept quiet. Before the car started and off we went.

"So Barnes what am I doing, not in my apartment but in a car by some beach in God knows where and taped up?" I asked sweetly. He furrowed his brows and looked up catching my eyes for a moment.

"I need you and your in danger now" was all he said.

"Oh oh no mister your giving me more that that after punching me in the face" I shouted. He shook his head and something like a smile came across his feature. Oh sweet mama that was a sight for sore eyes.

"Your a very stubborn woman. I didnt harm you. The poeple after me tracked me to your home. They attacked while we where still by the door. It wasn't a fist it was a smoke grenade. I managed to... control the problem before packing enough supplies and changing you and tying you up and stealing a car that was a day ago" he explained calmly. I frowned at his response.

Ok so how did we get here so quickly. I must of said it allowed because he groaned. "Its hard to explain. We were airborne at some point is all I have to say" he grunted out. I was becoming accustomed to having a frown on my face at this rate.

"Where are we?" I questioned. He looked at me through the mirror again. "In Boston. I think" he responded. My eyes widened. "Where are we headed ?"
"A motel" was his short reply.

"Why do you need me"
"I'll tell you when we are there"
"But why?"
"For the love of... just shut it" he finally growled out. I snorted in laughter.

"Here is a question why are you so calm about all this ?" He snapped. I had to think about that answer not sure he would want the truth. "I just am" I responded jutting out my chin in defiance. He sighed, obviously aggravated.

Liana 1 Barnes 3

Hey at least I was catching up.

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