chapter 3

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Liana's POV

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP SHOOTING AT US"  I screamed as a hail of bullets went over our heads. We, being myself and barnes, were currently crouched behind a cashier corner getting shot at while mannequins were taking fire.

We were in a clothing department store getting shot at. Then a mannequin fell as Barnes's feet. My eyes met his and I hissed out a breath. He had cut his hair and shortened his beard. He had washed his face and we had bought a change of clothes. Hence us being at a mall. Why we were being shot at by numerous amounts of guys dressed in all black with guns the size of cannons, I wasn't sure.

I looked and the mannequin again and could help the chuckle that went through me. "Hey barnes even the plastic gals are falling for you" I cackled. He frowned looked at the plastic woman whose bright red hair, a wig of course, had fallen from her head and looked at me as if to say 'what the fuck'

This further made me full on laugh. Bucky snapped around the cashier corner and shot a few rounds off a gun he had taken from a now dead guy who started shooting at us. I had changed as well but it was useless and I had  cut across my thigh now staining the new pair of black skinny jeans. Hey at least my black jacket had survived.

Not sure where he got the money. This had me tapping my chin thoughtfully. I was gonna die with bullets flying at me and here I was thinking about where mister sexy- as- sin got all this money.

Then again I knew we were going to survive. I kept my eyes trained on the floor and let my mind work.

Crawl left to the elevator. Get in and go to basement follow down to pipes and open door.

I hated my... "Martins we need to go now" barnes growled. I nodded and crawled. I saw him get irritated but he followed me. The bullets flew and windows and display cases shattered.

Great more glass. I winced as a piece shot past my chin and cut a thin line across it.

"Barnes what the hell have you gotten me into?" I hissed. He grunted and we managed to get to the in store elevator and I began to reach up when a metal hand caught my wrist. He had a sarcastic smile on his face. He waves his metal arm and said "bullet proof"

I nodded and pulled my arm down. He pressed the button that had an arrow going down. I flinched and lifted my arm in an attempt to block further flying glass.

The doors opened and we scrambled in. The back pack that sat on my shoulder, suddenly weighing me down.

"Why do poeple like shooting at you?" I asked him with pants of pure exhaustion. He frowned. "I am their now rogue asset. They dont want to kill me but get the chance to capture me. They kill me and it's a case of... oh well we can make a new one" he explained, his eyes darting around to see everything. He wouldn't be caught off guard.

I took his and and squeezed it. "Even though you harrassed me and basically wanted to see what's under my night clothing... I'm here for you" the first part was my jabs and teasing tone but the last part I had begun to mean. He caught my eye and smirked slightly. "Your not gonna tell it how it really happened are you?" He asked his tone a light one for once. I grinned a wide one and shook my head. "Nope"

The door opened and I lead the way again. I found it odd that he hadn't asked how I knew where I was going. A part of me dreaded having to answer. I didnt want to be seen as a freak.  The room filled with long metal pipes at the dot the wall, was unbearably hot and we moved quickly finally we reached the door... I realised our escape route was a sewer.

"Fuck" I hissed my nose scrunched from the horrid smell. Bucky frowned and pushed past me and jumped down. The stinky, dirty and horrible liquid came up to his ankles while h where covered by combat boots. My mid back lenthed brown hair was tied up and my eyes darted around. "Liana get your ass down here" Barnes huffed impatiently.

Sucking in a breath I came down with a splash and gagged oh this was just perfect.

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