chapter 4

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Liana's POV

We just managed to choose a random campsite in the woods that followed about a mile from the mall. We had wandered for a while before coming across the first campsite but Bucky felt that it was too full. So we went through to the next and the next... finally to tired to move further, we reached another by a river.

I practically dropped to the floor. "Go clean up so we can fix any injuries" Bucky ordered nodding towards the public bathroom, I hadn't noticed. I huffed and then grinned.

"I'll be right back" I stated calmly. Then with a deep breath i found my targets. The young rich couple in the corner who packed more food than the needed. Also they had three cans of bug spray that's always useful. I carried on with two other groups and by the end of it had managed to take away what they didnt need and would help us for the night.

It was wrong to steal but we needed stuff, if we were going to stay. So I took off. The first couple where so ingrossed in playing tonsil hockey, they hardly noticed me steal some food and the can of bug spray as well as a little bit of cash that was stashed in the 4x4 car they had. Next I moved to a group of frat boys. Stealing a blanket that I hoped had no semen on it. I also stole a couple of beers.

The final group I felt the most guilt for stealing from. It was a family. Two small girls were giggling with thier father who played ring a ring a rosey with them. The mother was using a folding table to cut thier food up for them. I stopped hovering over the pillow that I desperately wanted and found I couldn't do it. I sighed and walked back to our respective corner of the large campsite. Ironically there where only 3 other groups of campers.

I dropped my stash of things on the floor by a wide eyed Bucky who had gotten a fire going. I smirked and then grabbed some of the clothes we had bought and skipped off to the public bathroom and found very open shower area and to further worsen the problem it was a unisex shower area. Toilets still separated into gender roles. But the shower was for everyone to share. I groaned. I left the  bathroom to find bucky sitting with one leg bent and the other flat on the floor his face closed off and brooding.

"Bucky?" I asked calmly. His eyes shot up to meet mine and I blushed. Stupid hot son of a bitch. "I cant make use of the bathroom. It's a open shower" I said calmly. Irritation could be heard in my voice just beneath the calm. He frowned. "Open shower?" He asked.

"Oh, why.... oh"
"Yeah" I agreed as he thought about what I had said.  "I'll take you and stand watch" he offered. I smelt bad, was sweaty and well I wanted a shower. " ok" I agreed. I could do the same for him. We had to leave our stuff our small backpack with clothes and toiletries was all I brought with.

We walked the same route I had just come from. Once there we heard the frat kids music change to a radio station and we froze in sync.

"We bring you a news breaking story. A man and a woman are currently causing Havoc in our city. We urge you find them the woman is a brunette with mid back lenth hair, in her late 20s and has green eyes, she was last seen wearing a leather jacket and jeans. The man is also a brunette with cropped hair and blue eyes. Last seen wearing a checkered shirt and jeans. We urge the poeple in the Morning Future campsites to be aware of this, as the fugitives where seen fleeing into the woods towards the campsites" that's all I had to hear to grab Bucky and pull him into the shower room.

"We need to change clothes and I need to change my hair. Thier where curtains that cut each shower cubicle off. There where at least 7 cubicles. I heard the door start to jiggle and I quickly turned the water on and pulled Bucky in and shut the curtain. The freezing water coated us. The bag I had sat at the entrance. I just hopped it would stay there.

Bucky's breath hitched and I froze suddenly realizing the position we were in. His body was pushed up against mine... against the wall. The water had us wet in seconds. His hair had drips and mine was sopping wet. Our clothes just further becoming fully wet.

Water ran down my face. I wasn't sure how I wasn't blinking but in that moment his eyes where what I needed to see. His arms that were at his sides came trailing up the side of my body, until both hands cupped my cheeks. My breath froze in my throat.

His nose brushed mine and he came closer to me. His eyes on my lips and mine watching his face. He seemed to have an internal battle. Before I finally felt his lips touch mine. I closed my eyes and held onto the sides of his wet shirt. I pushed up on my tippy toes so as to kiss him  properly.

Our kiss was slow at first as if we were learning what to do. What we shouldn't do. Our lips melding and learning each others taste and softness. Finally I felt him bite my lip and brush his tongue over it to sweep away the pain. Its was the type of kiss that was a slow burn... it would lead to complete serenity and ecstasy.

When he pulled away I saw the question. Do we continue? Bucky pulled away completely and rested his forehead against mine.

" I'll go get the pocket knife so you can cut your hair" he said pulled away so suddenly. I thought I had done something wrong.

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