Chapter 6

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"No! Not again!" I started sobbing into Ashton's chest.

"Shh... Nothing's going to happen. I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you." Ashton said while stroking my hair to try and calm me down. But this time, it didn't work.

I was getting tired of all this stuff and now I just couldn't calm down. Something really bad was happening and I was sure that soon we would join all those bodies on the ground.

I could listen my best friend Beatriz also sobbing into someone's chest, I suppose it is Calum.

Around twenty minutes passed and we were still in darkness, and that's when Ashton speaks:

"I guess this time is for sure."

"What are we going to do now then?" Michael asked, getting closer to where Ashton and I were.

"Well, we won't be able to get out of here tonight. Who else is doing this made sure that we won't get to leave, so we should go and look for some candles and flashlights." Ashton answered.

"Yeah, we should do that." Calum said joining us, along with Bea, who was, like I suspected, hugged at him, and the others.

I was afraid to move. The dark really creeped me out, and knowing that were someone, or something, in the house that wanted us all dead  didn't help.

Ashton saw that I wasn't moving, so he grabbed is phone and turned the light on, so we would, at least, be able to see me. He looked at me with those sweet eyes.

"We need to go and look for some light source. The fast we get some light the fast you'll be able to see and be less afraid." He said.

I nodded and grabbed his hand.

All of us headed to the kitchen and started looking for flashlights and candles that we could use to put around the house.

I followed Ashton because the last thing that I wanted was to get alone in that house, and besides, being around Ashton made me feel more safe. I don't know why but something in him transmitted safety, and I liked it.

We started looking into some drawers while the other looked into some cabinets.

"Look what I found!" said Calum showing a butcher knife. "Should we keep it?"

We all looked at each other. The truth is that we were in danger and some weapons would make us feel a little bit safer and, in the end, they would be pretty handy.

"Yeah, we should keep it." I said before anyone. The others soon agreed with me and Calum kept the knife.

We kept looking for some light source, but it was like no one in that house needed it because we couldn't find it anywhere. After a few minutes looking for it Bea finally found a flash light but, for our luck, no batteries. We started looking for some batteries this time and, luckily, Luke found them in a drawer and, for our surprise, a bunch of candles and some matches were there too.

We got really happy and we worried in light the candles because, after all, all we had was our phones and we shouldn't waste the batteries because we might need them later.

"OK, now that we have the light source, what are we going to do?" Luke asked.

We haven't thought about that, but it was obvious that we would spend the night there so we might look for somewhere where we can, at least, rest.

"We should look for a room or something were we can kind of wide and get some rest." I said, surprising everyone.

A sweet smile appeared on Ashton's face. He was happy that I was taking the charge and that I wasn't afraid anymore. But, the truth is, I was still afraid, so afraid, you can't even imagine, but I remembered what Ashton had said to me earlier and I tried to get a bit more calm because getting stressed wouldn't lead us anywhere.

The rest of the group agreed with me and so we did. We got out of the kitchen to get upstairs, but right when we stepped out of the kitchen in to the main living room we froze, all of us.

All of the bodies that were lying in the ground when we left to look for light were gone. Completely gone. Not even one body was in the ground. But it wasn't all. I wasn't the first person to notice it, Niall was.

"Guys! Guys... What-What is that?"


After a few days without posting here I am with a new chapter :) Once again, sorry for not being a big chapter, I promise you that I'm going to post a big chapter soon :) Also, I wanted to thanks for the new reads and for the votes :) They mean so much to me :) I always want to know what to you think and what can I do to make the story better so, don't be shy ;D Tell me your opinions, they're all welcomed :)

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