Chapter 5: Heroes to the Rescue

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Earth 1

Star Labs

Beth, Hope, Iris and Felicity walked out of the hiding spot they found themselves in and into the corridor. The moment they left the Cortex in vampire speed, they went into hiding as they saw Star Labs being taken over Nazis and Team Arrow who was called by Felicity being thrown into their cells at the Pipeline. This has turned into a horrified ordeal. Felicity was with Iris behind Hope and Beth as they snuck past the patrol. "You know what this reminds me of? The roaring 20s back in Chicago where we almost ran into your dad." She recalled.

Hope frowned in grimace remembering the time where she almost prematurely met her father Klaus Mikaelson before she was born, while trying to stop the Legion of Doom from extending the era of Al Capone's criminal reign. "How could I forget? Spent the entire evening looking down at the ground so he couldn't even get a look at me. Although Ray was stupid enough to almost spill the beans sort to speak." Hope said stressing the phrase near the end of the scene. "I swear, he can't even shut up for two seconds."

"Let's not forget that his slip up with that Ness guy and how he nearly slept with the fishes courtesy of Capone, literary." Beth added to prove her wife's point. "Ray can be too much of a boy scout at times."

"Mhmm." Hope hummed in agreement.

"Einfrieren!" (Freeze!)

The girls froze seeing cocked rifles pointing at them by guards. Iris and Felicity were frightened that they'd been spotted. Beth let out a sigh of boredom. When do they ever learn? Beth was picking her fingernails, Hope simply crossed her arms with a look of annoyance.

"You or me?" Beth thought out loud of who was take out the guards.

"Oh I got..." With a flick of her wrist, Hope used telekinesis to break the necks, startling the two behind the hybrid couple. The guards fell like dominos but before they could hit the floor, she then lifted the bodies non verbally and placed them somewhere far from them so they couldn't be found by a nearby patrol with her eyes. "This."

"Are they always like this?" Felicity asked Iris in a whisper seeing the interaction between the married couple.

"You have no idea." Iris replied.


Sara, Laurel, Bucky, Oliver, Stein, Jax and Alex came to two hours later at the sound of dogs barking and they soon realized that they were not at the warehouse in Central City anymore. They were at a camp somewhat judging by the number of people that were locked in and the guards circling the perimeter.

Seeing that her sister wasn't with them, Alex started to panic knowing their intentions. "Kara! Where's Kara?!" She screamed in a futile gesture before giving up. "They're gonna kill her."

"It's ok. We're gonna get her back." Sara tried to put Alex's nerves at ease but it wasn't working and they both knew it.

"Where are we?" Laurel asked in somewhat fear.

The professor let out a sigh of dejection. "Assuming from the disconcerting situation we have undoubtedly find ourselves in, I think it's safe to conclude that we are not in our earth." Stein surmised.

"We're in Earth-X." Bucky and Sara muttered looking up at the bright lights in disgust.

"So this crap-hole's Earth-X." Sara jeered sarcastically.

"Wells was right." Qliver said taking a look.

"He usually is." Barry deadpanned.

"It's hard to imagine a nightmare like this actually exists. Let alone experience it." Laurel said looking around the camp, her face paling in horror at what she was witnessing with her own eyes. Men and Women in prisoner jumpsuits being forced to walk in a straight line.

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