Chapter 10: Victory And A Funeral

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In Central City, the Wellenreiter flew over the streets firing lasers upon the civilians that had been scattered in panic as the entire Nazi Army led by Dark Arrow were marching along with a small army of vampires sinking their fangs to whoever poor souls they managed to grab on draining them off. It was turning quickly into a bloodbath. The local law enforcement were unable to withstand the attack as the screams of terror was heard around the streets but there was one group that can.

Walking through the disappearing smoke, White Wolf, Captain Wolf, White Canary, Black Canary and Silver Canary all led the group that consisted of the Tribrid, the Hybrid, Green Arrow, Supergirl, The Ray, The Flash, Vixen, Atom, Zari, Alex, Mr. Terrific, Wild Dog, Mick and Citizen Steel. The Black Wolf family that had White Canary, White Wolf, Captain Wolf, Silver Canary and Black Canary stopped in a row in front of their group, standing tall against the Nazi invaders.

"Kill them all!" Dark Arrow ordered his army. White Wolf smirked as he pressed his fingers into his ear comm.

"Now." He told whoever was on the comm link and on cue, Nyssa Al Ghul and the League of assassins stepped out of the shadows firing arrows from their bows along with Green Arrow, shooting down a huge portion of the Nazi Soldiers as Citizen Steel steeled himself before Tribrid and Hybrid took on the small vampire army. They ripped the hearts out of the Aryan Vampires as well as sinking their toxic teeth, injecting their werewolf venom into their systems, leaving the rest to engage the remaining human Nazis forces in close combat.The Flash ran around the open area taking any civilian that had been caught in the crossfire to safety.

The Wolves engaged the Nazis throwing punches and kicks using their enhanced strength while the League, Wild Dog and Green Arrow kept firing on the stragglers. Silver Canary and Black Canary let out their Sonic Screams combining them making the Nazis forces eardrums explode. Realizing that Wellenreiter was still causing problems, the Resistance General decided to issue out her orders. It was time for Plan B.

"Supergirl! Execute Operation Death Star!" Silver Canary ordered while contacting her by the communication device on her wrist.

"Roger. Operation Death Star is now initiated!"


"General. We've got inbound." A Nazi Troop informed Overgirl inside the main bridge of the Wellenreiter.

"Then fire counter-measures." Overgirl stated the obvious order.

"We can't. It's hovering directly off our bow." The troop said nervously as they turned to see Supergirl hovering in front of them.

"General, would you care to step outside?" Supergirl goaded her cockily.

Glowering in disdain, Overgirl activated her mask flying through the main window as she took on her heroic doppelgänger.

Mr. Terrific were throwing his T-Spheres around as Atom in his miniaturized form flying as he was blasting beams, taking down Nazis on his way while Nyssa, Wild Dog, Green Arrow and the Assassins kept firing. Hybrid and Tribrid were still brawling with the Aryan Vampires as The Ray provided cover from Air throwing light balls blasting the reinforcements away. A Nazi soldier tried to sneak up on Silver Canary but a sword protruded through his chest. The sword pulled out of the fallen nazi troop revealing to be Black Canary. Looking over her shoulder to see the fallen body and her mother, Silver Canary shared a heartfelt smile with Black Canary before rejoining the battle.

"Phase 1 is complete, over!" Supergirl grunted while still fighting Overgirl in the sky, which was good news for the Argent Defender.

"Killer Frost. Execute phase two." Silver Canary commanded as she was using her batons to sweep the Nazis off their feet in mid battle. She was multitasking.

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