Deleted scene 1.5

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Central City

Sara pressed play on the video she was about to see on her cellphone. It's been over a year since her father's death and it wasn't easy, having to watch his confession. "My name is Captain Quentin Lance of Star City Police and under the federal law I swear the testimony i'm about to give is the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth. Consider this my dying declaration. I'm guilty of several criminal acts and I wasn't acting alone. Damien Darhk coerced me and a number of SCPD officers into aiding and abetting a criminal conspiracy to extort protection money from banks owned by the Federal Government."

Sara exhaled a breath of uneasiness before continuing to watch.
"Officers Warner, Amell, Cassidy, Stan, Ramsey, Rickards and Holland all took part and continued to be Darhk's operatives under the orders of Mr. Darhk himself. There may be more, I can't be sure.  But I personally witnessed City councilwoman Emily Pollard murder her fellow councilmember Marc Guggenheim in my kitchen using my handgun."

She imagined herself in her fathers apartment watching Pollard killing Guggenheim in cold blood for a moment or two.

"And then witnessed Darhk's wife Mayor Ruvé Adams bagging my gun as evidence and remove the body, using this crime in an threat against my family, to blackmail me into cooperating with her husband. I aided and abetted the worst crime of them all."

It was getting uncomfortable for the youngest Lance to watch as Quentin started to get emotional near the end.

"I personally drove a small group of Darhk's men to the Starling Tunnel after Oliver Queen exposed Damien Darhk to the public following the Starling Harbor Attack as the leader of the Ghosts. I knew at this point he was gonna plan something horrible, but I let it happen anyway. So I'm guilty in aiding and abetting the attempted murder of Felicity Smoak and Oliver Queen last Christmas. I'm ashamed of what I've done but that doesn't take away the fact that I and the people I just named are guilty as hell. Give this video to my daughter and Laurel, I'm sorry. For everything. But remember that I will always love you."

The video had come to an end and Sara put down the phone thinking about how hard it must've been for him to record that video in his last days of life. And the hardest part for her was that she didn't even got the chance to say goodbye.

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