Chapter 11: Sliver Lining.

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Next Day

Central City

"Are you sure you're gonna be ok, Buck?" Laurel asked Bucky concerned for his mental state, the day after the funeral. It struck a heavy toll on him. On everyone to be exact that knew Stein personally.

"I will be... in time." Bucky admitted adding the last words as he saw Laurel's unconvincing look. Is he gonna be ok? Not at this moment but he will, give it time, hopefully. "Besides, I have to move on sooner than later. No time to dwell on the past." They met up with the head of the League of Assassins Nyssa in her civilian outfit at the Central City Park Plaza. She was due to leave in three hours but not before meeting up with Laurel and Bucky. "Thanks for your help Nyssa."

"No gratitude necessary, James." Nyssa reassured her ally and her former League of Assassins compatriot with a friendly smile which both Bucky and Laurel returned. "Consider it a debt repaid for eliminating Malcolm Merlyn two years ago. You did my family a favor."

Bucky chuckled. A leopard never changes its spots even for an assassin like Nyssa. "I figured. Thank you though."

Nyssa gave a nod of acknowledgment for his appreciation of her assistance. She walked away from the couple heading to the airport.

Laurel sighed, putting her arms around his neck gazing lovingly into his ocean blue eyes. "You know what we should do? Instead of having a wedding we should just elope. It would save us a lot of hassle."

"Not a bad idea, doll." Bucky replied thoughtful. "But we should tell Sara about our engagement first because I know she'll be pissed off if she finds out about her sister getting married without her being present." Laurel laughed in agreement as she kissed him gently on his lips.

"Don't worry, we will." Laurel reassured.


"So, you're going to another earth, and I'm going to another time." Sara mused as she was talking to Alex while waiting for Kara at the park. Natale and Chris were standing from a far watching the interaction in amusement of how awkward it must be for their aunt. They were enjoying this, especially Natalie because she has a not so little secret.

"Yeah, that's kind of how we roll, huh?" Alex said.

"Totally normal." Sara agreed. The tension was high between the women and none of the two didn't know what to do or think to ease the nervousness.

"Should we..." Sara and Alex spoke at the same time before realizing that wasn't the right approach. So they decided to just hug it out as friends, nothing more.

"Hey Alex!" Both Alex and Sara turned to Natalie who had a playful smirk. "I've had a great time last night. I'd hope we can catch up again sometime."

Bug eyed, Chris looked at his sister realizing instantly what she had just implied as Alex looked down to the ground, her cheeks turning blood red as she blushed profusely while Sara glanced back and forth between her niece and the government agent in shock. "You didn't."

"I did." Natalie smirked proudly as her mind went to that night.


Last Night

"We... Shouldn't be doing this." Alex stammered, trying to control herself as Natalie assaulted her neck with kisses inside her hotel room. They had just a pair of drinks at the hotel bar as a way to celebrate the life of Martin Stein and needlessly to say it got a little heated between them and the next thing they knew they were making out with each other. "I mean, I slept with your aunt and..."

Whatever she was going to say, Natalie pressed her index finger to her mouth silencing her."Just relax and worry about the consequences later. Just enjoy the moment." She whispered seductively before pressing her lips against Alex's.


"You are so much like Aunt Sara, it's scary." Chris muttered shaking his head in amazement, not wanting to have the image of his sister naked or her having sex in his head. Filter mode engaged.

Natalie didn't deny it. "I know."

Sara sighed, looking up to sky as she prayed for the heavens to strike her down. "Must be Tuesday."

Just then Kara, Bucky, Laurel, Felicity, Oliver, Iris and Barry showed up approaching as Chris and Natalie went over to meet them. "Everything ok, Alex?" Kara asked her sister.

Still blushing like a pair of red tomatoes, Alex tried to cover up her embarrassment."Oh yeah, totally. Everything is just fine."

Kara looked at her weirdly but didn't ask any further.

"Thank you both. This world owes you two a lot." Barry told the siblings, expressing his and others gratitude.

"Well, it's our world too, Uncle Barry." Chris reminded appreciating the compliment. "After everything you guys have done for this world, it was about time someone returned the favor."

"The Lance-Barnes: always trying to save the world." Natalie boasted prideful.

"If we don't who will?" Chris added making the group laugh.

Smiling amused of his children's antics, Bucky looked at Laurel looked back at him. She had the same smile. "Shall we, Doll?"

Nodding her head, Laurel held up her hand showing her engagement ring that Bucky proposed to her at the dinner rehearsal. "We're engaged!" She announced.

Felicity, Kara and Iris squealed loudly in happiness, startling Alex as they ran over to hug Laurel. Natalie went to hug her mother too in immense joy.

"About damn time, sis!" Sara exclaimed as she embraced her sister for a wholehearted hug. Finally. It took them long enough.

"Well we had some obstacles we had to overcome on the way." Laurel shrugged apologetically.

Barry and Chris went to hug the newly engaged man too while Oliver simply shook his hand.

"Congratulations, Bucky." He told him sincerely. "I'm happy for you two."

"Still no hug, Oliver?" Bucky teased knowing that the Star City Mayor hated huges.


It was a very eventful weekend.
A lot of blood, sweat and tears were shed as well as a full on Nazi Invasion including the loss of Martin Stein. But there's always a silver lining. That Martin wouldn't want his friends to dwell on his death but instead they should enjoy life taking one day at the time.

AN: The End. It's been one helluva ride. Now for the epilogue.

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