Chapter 9: The Calm Before The Storm

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Bucky looked out of the window at the cockpit of the Waverider into the Central City skyline with a blank stare a hour later after he found about Stein's passing. He didn't know what to think or how to feel. He'd seen many deaths before on the field and during his tours in the Army but he'd never felt so guilt ridden until now that was when Stein died on his watch. It was not supposed to be this way. Not this way. Not this damn way. Martin Stein deserved a better fate than this.

"Bucky? Bucky, you ok?" Laurel asked as she stood next to her. Sara told her about Martin's death and went straight to Bucky knowing that he was blaming himself for what happened to the late professor. He's been for her so many times through her most difficult times so it was fair that Laurel would return the gesture.

"I'm fine." Bucky said trying to hide the emotions in his voice but it didn't fool Laurel.


"I'm fine." Bucky repeated what he said her, this time in a firm tone. That made her look really hard at him as she understood that how much Stein's death weighed on him.

"Bucky." Laurel didn't back away from him though. She placed both of her hands on his cheeks making him look at her. "This was not your fault. Even you can make mistakes but the best thing you can do is make sure that Martin didn't die in vain. Remember that."

Hoping that she got through to him, Laurel pulled Bucky in for a hug comforting him. "It's ok." She soothed, rubbing his back with her hands."It's ok, Buck."

Pulling himself away gently from his fiancee, Bucky took a deep breath recollecting himself from having a mental breakdown. This was not the time for grief. Not when there's a war going on outside. "Oliver and Sara are getting the others here. Overgirl is about to go nuclear soon from what Curtis had told me. The Fuhrer will use their Waverider to attack Central City in hopes that we would hand over Kara to them in defeat." Bucky told her.

"How do you know?" Laurel questioned furrowing her eyebrows.

"Because that's exactly what our Oliver would do." Bucky replied knowingly. Then he had a idea. "Which is why I need to make a phone call."

"To who?" Laurel asked her fiance. Bucky gave her a knowing look.

"You know who, Doll."


"Nice outfits." Amaya complimented both Hope and Beth as they entered the main bridge where the rest of the heroes were gathered. The married couple smiled looking down at their identical skin tight grey protective suits made out of kevlar and nomex with the Mikaelson family crescent that was a dragon with m placed below the creature, it was placed right below their hearts with black tight boots to match.

"You can thank Cisco for that. He sure knows how to make a suit." Beth replied still smiling.

Captain Wolf, Silver Canary, Mr. Terrific and Green Arrow were talking about how to locate the Nazi Waverider and the leaders from Earth-X. "Where are we with locating the other Waverider?" Green Arrow enquired.

"We got a pretty good idea. I mean, we've all heard of the Chandrasekhar Limit, I assume..."

"The data indicates that it's still within the vinicity of Central City." Zari interjected, not having the patience for the scientific talk.

"Which also indicates Overgirl hasn't long time left on this world." Silver Canary added.

"Which means that this world isn't long for this world." Mr. Terrific finished.

"Failure's not an option." Green Arrow declared firmly. "Losing is not an option! We are gonna win. And we are gonna show these people that this earth belongs to us."

"Great speech." Killer Frost quipped.

"I can see why you got elected as the mayor, Uncle Ollie." Silver Canary added, White Wolf shook his head with a smile along with Black Canary.

"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Queen, but we're being hailed by a fellow Timeship." Gideon announced.

Knowing who it was already, Green Arrow decided to listen to what Dark Arrow has to say because he has a sneaky feeling that might involve Supergirl. "Put it on." He commanded.

The hologram of Dark Arrow appeared in front of the group.

"Hello. Where's your wife? Still bedsick?" Silver Canary taunted, mocking Overgirl's state. White Canary pursed her lips trying to not to smirk as hard as she could while Mick couldn't keep but chuckle. He likes this chick.

"What do you want?" White Canary demanded.

"To offer a truce." Dark Arrow said.

"In exchange for what?" Flash asked having a idea of that truce would be. He didn't like it.

"We will return to our earth peacefully, if you meet my one demand. Supergirl comes with us." Dark Arrow said making everyone glare hatefully at him.

"That's not gonna happen." Captain Wolf replied in a uncompromising tone that showed that they will not give up Supergirl so easily, which put the Last Daughter of Krypton's nerves at ease. "You're in our backyard now. Overgirl will find nothing but dust and blood."

"We... Have blood to spare." Dark Arrow turned the channel off dissatisfied of the rejection to the truce.

"Didn't wave white flags to surrender, did he?" Silver Canary said sardonically.

Her brother sighed. "Not exactly." Captain Wolf replied in the same tone.

The Co-Captain's of Team Legends which were White Canary and White Wolf looked at each other with resolved looks.

"Ready to go, Buck?" White Canary asked.

White Wolf gave his long time friend a resolute nod. "I'm with you 'til end of the line, Sara." He replied before turning his gaze to the group of heroes. "For the professor."

"For the professor!" They all chorused in unison as they left the main bridge to the battlefield for one final battle that would decide the fate of two worlds.

AN: I know it was short but I'm just trying to keep it suspenseful. You know what I mean? Btw I just saw the new trailer for Avengers the Endgame. I was not disappointed.
In the name of the great Stan Lee: Excelsior!

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