Chapter 6: Family Reunion

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AN: Here you go guys. The moment you all have been waiting for.

Captain Wolf, Ray and Silver Canary led the heroes to their base, the home of the Freedom Fighters outside Star City mere hours after the rescue from what was going to be their deaths.

The Quinjet descended on a helicopter platform as the doors opened allowing the General and Captain to exit the jet along with Ray, Oliver, Alex, Bucky, Laurel, Jax and Stein. Two guards standing by the entrance door saluted the two commanding officers of the Freedom Fighters in respect as they went through the door with Ray and the heroes, taking the group to the maintenance elevator. The elevator descended to their command center underneath the basement and once the elevator had reached its destination, they stepped out of the elevator to see that command center looked exactly like the Arrowcave in the Earth-1.

"I guess we're in Earth-X's Star City." Oliver noted, taking a real look around the bunker.

Ray was amazed of the stories he heard from the heroes in the way back, like a fanboy. "I have to say, that's one hell of a story." Ray told them as he pointed his finger at Barry. "You're a speedster."

"Yeah." Barry said.

Ray turned to Jax and Stein. "Okay, you two turn into the burning man?" It was more of a question than a statement.

"Yup." Jax echoed what CCPD CSI had said seconds earlier.

Ray twirled to Oliver. "And you're the good doppelgänger of the Fuehrer." Oliver simply nodded.

"Good might be an oversimplification." Sara joked. Laurel snickered in agreement while Oliver frowned at the sisters.

"And you two are the doppelgängers of the Sturmbannführer's daughters?" The Lance sisters both nodded confirming the recollection, as much as they didn't want to. "And you're the doppelgänger of the founder of the Freedom Fighters?" Ray asked Bucky just to be sure.

"That's right." Bucky replied. He was surprised to when he found out that he was the one that started the revolution but after giving it some thought, he wasn't too shocked by it.

"Which tells us that you're not from this neck of the woods." Natalie stated keeping a calm face which was pretty hard to do considering that both of her parents were alive, well Earth-1 counter parts.

"We're from Earth-1." Barry told them which made three of the Freedom Fighters glance at each other.

"Earth-1? Huh." Natalie murmured. That would explain why they looked eerily similar to the ones that were deceased in this earth.

Seeing the look exchanged between the trio, Jax was the one who asked the question. "Am I missing something here?" Jax asked slowly gesturing between the three.

"We're from Earth-1 too." Chris revealed pointing between him, his sister and Ray which surprised Bucky, Laurel, Sara, Oliver, Alex and the two halves of Firestorm greatly.

"If you're from our Earth, then you know how we got here, don't you?" Barry guessed, hoping that the answer would be yes.

"Yeah, I have a pretty good idea." Ray went to get tablet from the computer set and showed them a digital map of a gateway that the heroes went through in order to get to Earth X. "I think you guys came through this."

"A temporal gateway?" Barry queried.

"Same physics as a breach, just more stable and larger." Stein explained.

"Much larger." Barry added.

"So we have a way to get back." Alex surmised of what two scientists had to say, which was good news for all of them who were from Earth-1 and Earth-38 respectively.

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