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╔═══════════════╗DATE:AUGUST 3RD 1882╚═══════════════╝╔═══════════════╗TIME:PM 11:57:03╚═══════════════╝

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PM 11:57:03

I've never felt so scared in my life. For a twelve year old at this time, life was harsh. This world filled with such horrid violence, gangs scattered around the place at every corner and the poor left to suffer. As the years passed by and the population in the area increased, the poverty built on with it. The strong stench of drunk men and the horrid smell from the people filled the atmosphere. We all had to make sacrifices to live in this terrible life. And in some cases, these choices affect our lives in either, a positive or negative way. But in most cases, it always seemed to end up horribly. So now here I am, a twelve year old stuck in an abomination of a life.

As I was stuck in a daze, I failed to notice my mother and father, frantically locking the doors and windows, almost as if we were about to be attacked by an unknown enemy. "(y/n)," I heard my mother call out my name as she broke me out of my thoughts. I stared at the middle aged woman and watched as she quickly grabbed my arms and pulled me into the closet. "W-wait mother, what's going on?" I stuttered out as I stared at my father and watched as he grabbed his pistol, reloading its ammo. My parents both stared at each other for a brief moment. I frowned and spoke, "You guys know I hate it when people hide things.." My father sighed as he walked towards me, before bending down to his knees, looking me face to face. He brought his hand up to my arm and placed it on my shoulder. He stumbled upon his words before taking a deep breath. "Oh my sweet girl... I wished I could undo the horrible things I've done, but I sadly can't."

Furrowing my brows, I stared at him, my face filled with confusion as I tried to comprehend what he meant. "I-I don't understand." He gave me a sad smile before bringing me into a heartwarming embrace, almost as if it'd be our last. "The world is filled with bad men and women, (y/n). Be careful." He pulled away from the hug before kissing me on the forehead and whispered softly, "I love you, my sweet girl. So, so, very much and I know you'll do many great things." Watching as my father got up, he gave my mother a loving kiss on the lips, grabbing her waist. I cringed at scene and looked away, wishing I could go back to bed. I heard them both whisper to each other before my father left the room. My mother approached me and held my hand before speaking, "My darling, we don't have much time. Let's hurry and head up okay?" I gave her a small nod before heading up the stairs frantically, trying to match up with my mother's pace.

As we entered the room, my mother quickly closed the window curtain before pushing my gently, into the closet. Just like father, she bent down to match with my height, giving me a loving gaze. She brought me close and kissed my forehead, lovingly. As much as I loved the affection, I was terrified. What was the reason for showing this much affection at a time like this? Was it because something terrible was about to take place? "Mom, are you two doing this because the bad men and women father talked about... they're coming aren't they?" I could hear her breath hutch slightly before she whispered softly, "You were always a smart girl."

"I love you so much, (y/n). Like what your father said, I know that you'll do great things. Remember, your choices affect the way you live." Our conversation was interrupted when my father yelled for my mother. Obviously as a warning that the bad people were close by. I stared at my mother, my eyes filled with tears and fear, as I trembled. She gave me a warm smile as she reassured me, "Now, no matter what happens, don't come out, okay sweetheart?" Hesitating, I gave her my word and closed my eyes as she caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead once more. She gave me one last smile before taking a deep breath and closed the closet door. I was now stuck in between our clothes.

It felt as though I couldn't breath. Almost as if someone was choking me. I could hear the muffled voices coming from the room downstairs before flinching as I heard the gunshots echo throughout the house. I bit my lip in fear as my tears started streaming down my face. "Check the rooms upstairs," I heard the muffled voices respond and I trembled in fear. Desperately, I sunk into the clothes as I tried to camouflage myself from the intruders. I could hear the footsteps become clearer as they opened the room's door. I closed my eyes and tried not to make a sound. The footsteps drew closer to the closet before being interrupted by a yell from downstairs. "Find anything yet!?" In response the person who was in the same room as I, yelled back, "Got a whole stash of cash, should be enough."

"We shouldn't stay here too long, law'll come find us. Let's go!" I could taste the iron coming from my lip as I bit hardly into it. The footsteps in the room decreased, but my anxiety did not. "Come on, let's go!" Soon after a few minutes, I could hear the faint sound of voices disappear as the people left. I trembled as I opened the closet door slowly, in case anything jumped out. To my luck, the room was empty but.. it was clear that somebody had raided into the area. The bed was ruffled up, the drawers were opened fully or halfway. It was pretty clear that they were in a rush. Carefully, I opened the door and went down the stairs as slow and silent as I could. Where were my parents? What if they...

I shook my head and told myself that maybe they were safe... but I knew that wouldn't be the case. As I got downstairs, I was met with a traumatising scene. I felt like puking. I couldn't believe my eyes as I stared at the sight, I didn't want to but I just couldn't tear myself away. The bloody sight of my parents laying on the ground, their guts splattered on the floor. This was something I knew could never erase from my mind. The absolute horror paralysed me, I felt the tears spill out my eyes as I dropped down the floor. Sobs echoed throughout the room as I screamed out in agony. Wasn't life harder already? I had never felt so terrified and helpless in my life. My head ached as I cried helplessly onto the ground, my clothes and hands stained with my parents blood as I clenched my fists on their dead corpses.