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╔═══════════════╗DATE:MARCH 19TH 1899╚═══════════════╝╔═══════════════╗TIME:05:10:42╚═══════════════╝

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MARCH 19TH 1899

The sound of gunshots echoed throughout the running train, yells and shouting coming from each person as the bullets flew by each other. "Keep moving!" You grunted as you shot down the remaining guards, reloading as you followed after Arthur and Lenny.

"Watch out, one above us!" You heard Lenny yell as you quickly stabilised and aimed your weapon upwards, taking notice of the guard, quickly pulling the trigger as you aimed at his head. Recovering, the three of you continued forward. "Arthur, the controls for the train should be ahead, you go while Lenny and I watch." Nodding, Arthur rushes towards the next freight car, while you were left with the young male. The two of you stayed there for a few seconds, in silence as you watched out for anymore company. It was quiet, too quiet that it made you feel uncomfortable, especially in a situation like this.

Your doubts were proven right when you heard Lenny yell out to you. "(y/n)!" Grunting slightly from the bullet graze against your clothed waist, you aimed the repeater towards your gunner, pulling the trigger. "Shit, (y/n)! You.. you okay?" The younger male's voices filled with concern as he stared at your frame. You nodded you head before changing the topic. "Arthur! What's taking so long?" Grunting out to the man as Lenny and you continued shooting down the reinforcements, bullet after bullet. "You'd think I know how to use this thing, (l/n)? I grew up in the streets, remember?" He yelled out as he frantically touched anything that could be of use. The gunshots distracted his slightly but alas, his ocean blue orbs soon landed on one of the levers, muttering to himself, he pulled on it. "Let's see if this does anything, I guess..."

After a few solid seconds, he felt the train slowly coming to a stop, taking this to note, he quickly rushed out. Noticing that the disturbing gunshots had stopped, he came to a realisation as he viewed at the sight upon him. "You certainly took your time." You walked up to him, repeater laying by your shoulder as tried not to wince from the deep bullet graze. "Shut up." He muttered before turning his gaze towards Lenny. "Nice work, kid. You did well." The young male smiled at his response, speaking. "Couldn't have done it without (y/n), here." Giving him a smile in return, you spoke.

"Come on, let's head back to Dutch."


"Are the three of you alright?" The older male spoke as he stared at the trio. "Yeah, let's get the money and go." You slowed down as you flicked from the stinging pain coming from the bullet graze. "You alright there, (n/n)?" Arthur asked as he stared at you, concern filled his face. You being yourself, ignored the pain as you brushed him off, smiling as normal as possible. "Just a scratch, you know." He gave you a stare before brushing it off, hesitating. "O..Okay then, if you say so."

"We got some fellers holed in up this last car." Dutch informed as you approached the cart, cursing. "What are you boys planning on doing in there?" The leading man yelled out as he waited for a response from the fellers. In return, they protested, as they tried threatening you all. Not taking their shit, Dutch spoke once more, his tone asserting a strong, fierce tone. "Listen to me, we don't want to kill any of you.. any more of ya." He paused, before continuing. "I give you my word, but trust me... we will."

As a response, the people inside the cart threatened that they worked for the rich oil man, Leviticus Cornwall. Scoffing lightly, you stared intensely at the cart, awaiting for Dutch's orders. "Okay. You asked for it." Knowing that they wouldn't budge, Dutch started counting down as the people behind the cart repeated that they wouldn't open the door. "Two.. One." It was silent for a brief moment, before being interrupted by the older male. "Seems that our friends have gone deaf. Let's wake them up a little!" The gang lifted up their pistols, aiming it at the door, shooting repeatedly as you smirked underneath your covered face. "That's enough!"

Dutch turned his head to face the gang, before instructing orders once more. "You two, go blow that door open. Now don't matter much to us, but you boys in there, might wanna take a step back." As he said his words, Arthur and you walked up to the door, dynamite held in Arthur's hand as he placed it onto the cart. "Let's light em' up, shall we?" You teased cheekily as Arthur scoffed lightly, before turning back to his stoic self, lighting up the fuse as the two of you rushed backwards, making sure there was enough space between you and the blast.

The satisfying sound of the door breaking echoed as the gang quickly got their weapons ready, aiming it towards the pair of males behind the door, their hands above their heads as they stared fearfully at you all. "Alright, come on.. just walk on out here." Not taking their chances, they quickly stepped out the cart, as they listened. "We don't want to kill you.. We just wanna rob your boss."

"Get on up there, search that train." Listening to instructions obediently, you headed up towards the cart, quickly taking notice of the overly decorated walls as they shined due to the light. "You find anything?" Searching our one of the cabinets, you took notice of the money clip which laid there, quickly taking ahold of it. "Got some cash, I guess." You responded as you continued searching. "Got it. (y/n), let's go." Nodding your head, you followed after Arthur, noticing the bearer bonds held in his hand. Handing it to Dutch, he asked if they were worth anything. "Oh, sure.. I think we can probably sell these pretty easily." He turned his gaze towards the both of you as he gave both of you praises. "Well done. Now, would you get rid of all of this?" Emphasising the word, this, he gave the both of you two options of getting rid of this mess. Kill them or threaten them. "Should we get the train outta here?" You asked as you stared at the older male, waiting for a response and in which, you did receive. "Yeah, get it out of here."

The three of you stared down at the frightened males, Dutch breaking the silence. "I'll meet you two back at camp, make sure they don't say a word about this to anyone. Good job, you two." Nodding your head, you watched as Dutch rode off with his horse, disappearing in the distance with the gang. "I'll handle the train and you take care of them?" You asked as you waited for Arthur's approval. Nodding his head, you patted his back before hopping onto your horse and headed to the front of the train. You flinched slightly at the uncomfortable feeling of the bullet graze, gritting your teeth in annoyance as you rode.

Finally reaching the front cart, you went to search for a way to start the train, taking notice of the lever before pulling on it. Feeling the train start, you quickly rushed out and hopped off the train, landing gracefully as you heard the sound of galloping approaching you. "You alright there, (y/n)?" Tilting your head to face Arthur's, you gave him a small smile. "I've been through worse."

Getting off his horse, he grabbed for your waist, avoiding the wound as he gently pulled you up your horse. "What a gentleman." Teasingly, you chuckled as he shushed you up. "You better get that treated, don't want you to be a pain in the ass to look after." Hitting his shoulder jokingly, you laughed out his name as the two of you rode off into the distance, heading back to camp.


(a/n): have any of you played red dead online yet? if you have, how was your experience? did you get shot by random players out of nowhere cAUse i hAV E-
thank you all so much for all the support you've given the story for the past few days, i know i keep repeating this but i'm really grateful oof
see you all in the next chapter!!
UPDATE AS OF 4TH DECEMBER 2018: i'll be overseas from the 5th of December til the 8th! which means i won't be able to update as frequently due to this but i will try to do my best!! see you all and thank you for the support you've been giving me!!