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╔═══════════════╗DATE:JANUARY 15TH 1892╚═══════════════╝╔═══════════════╗TIME:PM 09:54:01╚═══════════════╝

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PM 09:54:01

You jolted awake as you felt your face get splashed with water, groaning as you tried to wipe your face. Key word, tried. Coming to your senses, you felt your hands tied together with a rope, tightly. "Nice to see that you're awake, Miss (l/n)." You squinted your eyes in the dark as you searched for the figure. "Well, this better be worth waking up for." Hearing a chuckle, you heard the person move towards your figure, before turning on the lights. "Recognise me, dear?"

Groaning, you tilted your head backwards as you stared blankly at the ceiling. "Colm.." You knew things would escalate pretty quickly and as a result, you briefly scanned the room, looking for a means of escape. "Look at you, (y/n). You've grown quite well, haven't you? Deciding to steal from me, myself, and don't forget, you killed one of my business partners." You turned your head to face him, giving him a small smirk as you spoke. "And look at you, looking old as ever."

You watched as the grin on his face disappeared, he walked towards you and grabbed you by the chin, face to face. "You've got quite the bounty, (y/n). I wonder-" Using this as an opportunity to escape, you head butted against him, gritting your teeth in pain as you stumbled towards the door, hands still tied together. You could hear him grunt and groan in the background. Finally reaching the door, knowing you were unable to use your hands, you kicked the door and hastily ran towards the town. "What do you think you're doing?! Get her, you fools!" Colm yelled at his men as they quickly stabilised themselves and followed you into the town.

Your breaths shortened as you frantically ran towards the town, your teeth against the rope which bounded your hands as you tried to get it off. The gunshots echoed around you as you looked for shelter. Not paying attention to your surroundings, you failed to notice the tall, stocky built man in front of you. Yelping as you bumped and fell onto the man, your eyes widened as you stared into his gorgeous, ocean blue eyes. Quickly gaining your senses as you felt the bullets land close by, you stood up as soon as possible, apologising to the unknown man before quickly taking off. You felt the rope loosen slightly as you struggled against it, squeezing your hands together in hopes of getting the rope out.

"Come on..come on!" You muttered as you frantically rubbed against the rope, hearing the sound of footsteps and gunshots near towards you as you hid behind one of the huts. You jumped as you felt a hand on your shoulder, punching the person in the face with your tied hands. "That's quite a punch you have there, Miss." He spoke as he held a hand to his face, massaging it slightly before catching his eyes onto your bounded hands. You were both cut off guard by one of the gunshots which passed by you two, slightly. You watched as he got his knife out as he stared at you before cutting the rope. He held out a pistol before speaking as he covered his face with his handkerchief. "I'm pretty sure you know how to use this, seeing as how you attracted the O'Driscolls."

"Guess I'm quite the charmer." Loading the gun, you aimed it towards one of the O'Driscolls, shooting them right in the head. You repeated the same action as before, aiming the gun towards the O'Driscolls. Knowing they stood no chance against the two of you, they ran and returned to their dear, old boss. You sighed in relief as you slumped against the wall, closing your eyes. "So, what was your deal with them boys?" You heard the unknown man speak as he held his hand out towards you. You stared at his hand before grabbing a hold of it, accepting his kind gesture. "I guess I pushed their boss too far," You let go of his hand and watched as he took of the cloth from his face. "Name's (y/n). Thanks for helping me back there, Mr..?"

"Arthur, Arthur Morgan. And no problem, glad I could be of help." Chuckling, you groaned slightly as you stretched. "Well, Mr Morgan, if you don't mind me, I'll be off now. Here," you searched your pocket for something to give him as repayment. You felt some dollar notes in your pocket and held out nearly fifty dollars. He shook his head as he rejected your offer, before speaking. "No need. Though, you look like you've been alone, no offence Miss." You snickered as you stared at him, smiling slightly. "That's one way of saying it."

"Anyways, I gotta get going now, Mr Morgan. I'll see you around here sometime." You smiled at him before waving him goodbye.


(a/n): i really got writer's block while writing this sKSKS.
so i apologise if this chapter seems too short, i assure you that the next chapters will get better. thank you all for the support and i'll see you all later!! also, i got too caught up playing rdr2 :,))